AddBuildProperty | Adds a value to build property in all build configurations for the specified target(s). |
AddBuildPropertyForConfig | Adds a value to build property for the specific build configuration. |
AddFile | Adds file to the project. |
AddFileToBuild | Configures file for building for the given target. |
AddFileToBuildWithFlags | Configures file for building for the given target with specific compiler flags. |
AddFrameworkToProject | Adds a framework dependency for the specified target. |
BuildConfigByName | Returns the GUID of build configuration with the given name for the specific target. null is returned if such configuration does not exist. |
ContainsFileByProjectPath | Checks if the project contains a file with the given project path. |
ContainsFileByRealPath | Checks if the project contains a file with the given physical path. |
FindFileGuidByProjectPath | Finds file GUID by project path. |
FindFileGuidByRealPath | Finds file GUID by physical path. |
GetCompileFlagsForFile | Returns compile flags set for the specific file. |
ReadFromFile | Reads the project from a file identified by the given path. |
ReadFromStream | Reads the project from the given text reader. |
ReadFromString | Reads the project from the given string. |
RemoveFile | Removes the given file from project. |
RemoveFileFromBuild | Removes given file from the list of files to build for the given target. |
RemoveFrameworkFromProject | Removes the given framework from the given target build. |
SetBuildProperty | Sets the build property to the given value in all build configurations for the specified targets. |
SetBuildPropertyForConfig | Sets the build property to the given value in the given build property. |
SetCompileFlagsForFile | Sets the compilation flags for the given file in the given target. |
TargetGuidByName | Returns the GUID of the native target with the given name. |
WriteToFile | Writes the project contents to the specified file. |
WriteToStream | Writes the project contents to the specified text writer. |
WriteToString | Writes the contents of the project to string. |