Legacy Documentation: Version 5.6 (Go to current version)
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struct in UnityEngine

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Details about a specific point of contact involved in a 2D physics collision.

See Also: Collision2D class.


colliderThe incoming Collider2D involved in the collision with the otherCollider.
enabledIndicates whether the collision response or reaction is enabled or disabled.
normalSurface normal at the contact point.
normalImpulseGets the impulse force applied at the contact point along the ContactPoint2D.normal.
otherColliderThe other Collider2D involved in the collision with the collider.
otherRigidbodyThe other Rigidbody2D involved in the collision with the rigidbody.
pointThe point of contact between the two colliders in world space.
relativeVelocityGets the relative velocity of the two colliders at the contact point (Read Only).
rigidbodyThe incoming Rigidbody2D involved in the collision with the otherRigidbody.
separationGets the distance between the colliders at the contact point.
tangentImpulseGets the impulse force applied at the contact point which is perpendicular to the ContactPoint2D.normal.