Method |
Description |
AddLink | Adds a link to the NavMesh. The link is described by the NavMeshLinkData struct. |
AddNavMeshData | Adds the specified NavMeshData to the game. |
CalculatePath | Calculate a path between two points and store the resulting path. |
CalculateTriangulation | Calculates triangulation of the current navmesh. |
CreateSettings | Creates and returns a new entry of NavMesh build settings available for runtime NavMesh building. |
FindClosestEdge | Locate the closest NavMesh edge from a point on the NavMesh. |
GetAreaCost | Gets the cost for path finding over geometry of the area type. |
GetAreaFromName | Returns the area index for a named NavMesh area type. |
GetAreaNames | Get all the NavMesh area names. |
GetLinkOwner | Gets the object, if any, that is associated with the link instance. |
GetSettingsByID | Returns an existing entry of NavMesh build settings. |
GetSettingsByIndex | Returns an existing entry of NavMesh build settings by its ordered index. |
GetSettingsCount | Returns the number of registered NavMesh build settings. |
GetSettingsNameFromID | Returns the name associated with the NavMesh build settings matching the provided agent type ID. |
IsLinkActive | Determines whether the instance of the link can be used to calculate paths, and if NavMesh agents can move over it. |
IsLinkOccupied | Determines whether or not a NavMesh agent is currently using this link. |
IsLinkValid | Determines whether the link instance is part of the current data used for navigation. |
Raycast | Trace a line between two points on the NavMesh. |
RemoveAllNavMeshData | Removes all NavMesh surfaces and links from the game. |
RemoveLink | Removes a link from the NavMesh. |
RemoveNavMeshData | Removes the specified NavMeshDataInstance from the game, making it unavailable for agents and queries. |
RemoveSettings | Removes the build settings matching the agent type ID. |
SamplePosition | Finds the nearest point based on the NavMesh within a specified range. |
SetAreaCost | Sets the cost for finding path over geometry of the area type on all agents. |
SetLinkActive | Activates or deactivates the link instance. An active link instance can be traversed by agents and used to plan paths, but a deactivated link cannot. |
SetLinkOwner | Associates an object with the instance of a link. |