Shader pass type for Unity's lighting pipeline.
This corresponds to "LightMode" tag in the shader pass, see Pass tags.
Property | Description |
Normal | Regular shader pass that does not interact with lighting. |
Vertex | Legacy vertex-lit shader pass. |
VertexLM | Legacy vertex-lit shader pass, with mobile lightmaps. |
ForwardBase | Forward rendering base pass. |
ForwardAdd | Forward rendering additive pixel light pass. |
ShadowCaster | Shadow caster & depth texure shader pass. |
Deferred | Deferred Shading shader pass. |
Meta | Shader pass used to generate the albedo and emissive values used as input to lightmapping. |
MotionVectors | Motion vector render pass. |
ScriptableRenderPipeline | Custom scriptable pipeline. |
ScriptableRenderPipelineDefaultUnlit | Custom scriptable pipeline when lightmode is set to default unlit or no light mode is set. |
GrabPass | Grab Pass. Use this when you want to detect the type of the Grab Pass compared to other passes using the Normal type. Otherwise use Normal. |