Version: Unity 6.1 Beta (6000.1)
Language : English
The calculator
Execute API methods

Search for files

The File Search Provider searches the file system to find files that match a specific pattern.

NOTE: This search requires a search token to execute it. You cannot make it an active Search Provider, or combine it with other Search Providers.

Search token: find:

Default action: Select the file.

Context menu actions:

Action Function
Select Selects the file in the Project window.
Open: Opens the file, either in Unity or an external editor.
Delete: Deletes the file.
Copy Path Copies the path of the file.
Reimport Reimports the file.
Reveal Selects the file in the operating system’s file browser.
Properties Opens the file’s property settings.

Your search query can contain a C# regex to perform matching or glob expressions with the following wildcards. A glob expression is converted to a normal regex using the equivalency described in the table below:

Glob wildcards Description Example Matches Does not match Equivalent regex
* Matches any number of any characters including none Law* Law, Laws, Lawyer Groklaw, La, aw .*
. Matches any single character including none Law. Law, Laws La, aw .

asset filter
File Search Provider

The calculator
Execute API methods