Property |
Description |
allowDynamicResolution | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
allowMSAA | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
anamorphism | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
aperture | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
backgroundColor | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
barrelClipping | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
bladeCount | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
clearFlags | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
cullingMask | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
curvature | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
depth | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
farClippingPlane | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
focalLength | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
focusDistance | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
fovAxisMode | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
gateFit | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
HDR | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
iso | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
lensShift | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
nearClippingPlane | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
normalizedViewPortRect | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
occlusionCulling | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
orthographic | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
orthographicSize | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
renderingPath | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
sensorSize | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
shutterSpeed | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
stereoConvergence | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
stereoSeparation | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
targetDisplay | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
targetEye | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
targetTexture | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |
verticalFOV | Exposed SerializedProperty for the inspected Camera. |