AddCursorRect | Add a custom mouse pointer to a control. |
CommandEvent | Creates an event that can be sent to another window. |
DrawColorSwatch | Draw a color swatch. |
DrawCurveSwatch | Draw a curve swatch. |
DrawRegionSwatch | Draw swatch with a filled region between two SerializedProperty curves. |
FindTexture | Gets a texture from its source filename. You can load an Editor texture resource by name or a texture from an asset path. |
GetBuiltinSkin | Get one of the built-in GUI skins, which can be the game view, inspector or Scene view skin as chosen by the parameter. |
GetFlowLayoutedRects | Layout list of string items left to right, top to bottom in the given area. |
GetIconForObject | Gets the custom icon associated with an object. Only GameObjects and MonoScripts have associated custom icons. |
GetIconSize | Get the size that has been set using SetIconSize. |
GetMainWindowPosition | Gets the position of the main window of the Unity Editor. This is the top level Editor Window that contains all the other Editor views, such as the Project Browser, Hierarchy, and Console. |
GetObjectPickerControlID | The controlID of the currently showing object picker. |
GetObjectPickerObject | The object currently selected in the object picker. |
HasObjectThumbnail | Does a given class have per-object thumbnails? |
IconContent | Fetch the GUIContent from the Unity builtin resources with the given name. |
IsDisplayReferencedByCameras | Check if any enabled camera can render to a particular display. |
Load | Load a built-in resource. |
LoadRequired | Load a required built-in resource. |
LookLikeControls | Make all EditorGUI look like regular controls. |
ObjectContent | Return a GUIContent object with the name and icon of an Object. |
PingObject | Ping an object in the Scene like clicking it in an inspector. |
PixelsToPoints | Convert from pixel space to point space. |
PointsToPixels | Convert from point space to pixel space. |
QueueGameViewInputEvent | Send an input event into the game. |
SetIconForObject | Sets a custom icon to associate with a GameObject or MonoScript. The custom icon is displayed in the Scene view and the Inspector. |
SetIconSize | Set icons rendered as part of GUIContent to be rendered at a specific size. |
SetMainWindowPosition | Sets position of Unity Editor's main window. |
ShowObjectPicker | Show the object picker from code. |
TrIconContent | Gets the GUIContent from Unity built-in resources with the given information or creates a GUIContent for a GUI element.The icon is loaded with a localized tooltip. Typically, the icon from `Assets/Editor Default Resources/Icons` is fetched using the icon name. Only the name of the icon, without the .png extension is needed. |
TrTextContent | Gets the GUIContent from the Unity built-in resources with the given key or creates a GUIContent for a GUI element.The text and the tooltip are localized and loaded with an icon.Typically, the icon from `Assets/Editor Default Resources/Icons` is fetched using the icon name. Only the name of the icon, without the .png extension is needed. |
TrTextContentWithIcon | Gets the GUIContent from Unity built-in resources with the given information or creates a GUIContent for a GUI element.The text and the tooltip are localized and loaded with an icon.Typically, the icon from `Assets/Editor Default Resources/Icons` is fetched using the icon name. Only the name of the icon, without the .png extension is needed.If a message type is specified instead of an icon or an icon name, the GUIContent.image is the icon associated with that message type. |