OnInspectorUpdate is called at 10 frames per second to give the inspector a chance to update.
// Simple script that aligns the position of several selected GameObjects // with the first selected one. using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.UIElements; public class OnInspectorUpdateExample : EditorWindow { bool alignToX = true; bool alignToY = true; bool alignToZ = true; string selected = ""; [MenuItem("Examples/OnInspectorUpdate example")] static void Init() { OnInspectorUpdateExample window = (OnInspectorUpdateExample)GetWindow(typeof(OnInspectorUpdateExample)); window.Show(); } void OnInspectorUpdate() { selected = Selection.activeTransform ? Selection.activeTransform.name : ""; } void CreateGUI() { var label = new Label("Select various Objects in the Hierarchy view to align them with the last selected item."); rootVisualElement.Add(label); selected = Selection.activeTransform ? Selection.activeTransform.name : ""; var labelSelected = new Label(); rootVisualElement.Add(labelSelected); labelSelected.schedule.Execute(() => { labelSelected.text = $"Selected object: {selected}"; }).Every(10); var toggleX = new Toggle(); toggleX.text = "X"; toggleX.value = alignToX; toggleX.RegisterValueChangedCallback(evt => alignToX = evt.newValue); rootVisualElement.Add(toggleX); var toggleY = new Toggle(); toggleY.text = "Y"; toggleY.value = alignToY; toggleY.RegisterValueChangedCallback(evt => alignToY = evt.newValue); rootVisualElement.Add(toggleY); var toggleZ = new Toggle(); toggleZ.text = "Z"; toggleZ.value = alignToZ; toggleZ.RegisterValueChangedCallback(evt => alignToZ = evt.newValue); rootVisualElement.Add(toggleZ); var buttonAlign = new Button(); buttonAlign.text = "Align"; buttonAlign.clicked += () => Align(); rootVisualElement.Add(buttonAlign); } void Align() { if (selected == "") { Debug.LogError("No objects selected to align"); } foreach (Transform t in Selection.transforms) { Vector3 alignementPosition = Selection.activeTransform.position; Vector3 newPosition; newPosition.x = alignToX ? alignementPosition.x : t.position.x; newPosition.y = alignToY ? alignementPosition.y : t.position.y; newPosition.z = alignToZ ? alignementPosition.z : t.position.z; t.position = newPosition; } } }