Initializes a new instance of the UnityEvent class.
Use the constructor without arguments to create a zero-argument event callback. If your event requires arguments, use the generic versions of UnityEvent.
using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events;
public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { UnityEvent m_ZeroArgEvent; UnityEvent<int> m_OneArgEvent; UnityEvent<int, int> m_TwoArgEvent; UnityEvent<int, int, int> m_ThreeArgEvent; UnityEvent<int, int, int, int> m_FourArgEvent;
void Start() { //Construct simple UnityEvents from 0 up to 4 int arguments. if (m_ZeroArgEvent == null) m_ZeroArgEvent = new UnityEvent();
if (m_OneArgEvent == null) m_OneArgEvent = new UnityEvent<int>(); if (m_TwoArgEvent == null) m_TwoArgEvent = new UnityEvent<int, int>();
if (m_ThreeArgEvent == null) m_ThreeArgEvent = new UnityEvent<int, int, int>();
if (m_FourArgEvent == null) m_FourArgEvent = new UnityEvent<int, int, int, int>(); } }