Parameter | Description |
cam | The camera with which to render pickable objects. |
layers | A layer mask specifying what layers to consider valid for picking. See also Camera.cullingMask. |
position | A position in GUI coordinates. The top-left of the window is (0,0), and the bottom-right is (Screen.width, Screen.height). |
ignore | An array of GameObjects that will not be considered when selecting the nearest GameObject. |
filter | An array of GameObjects that will be tested for picking intersection. If this argument is not null, only GameObjects in the filter array will be selected. |
materialIndex | Returns the index of the Renderer component in the material array that is closest to the specified position. If the picked object does not contain a MeshRenderer, or the picking intersection does not fall within a mesh boundary, this returns -1. |
This is the method definition for pickGameObjectCustomPasses.