Parameter | Description |
className | The fully qualified class name of a MonoScript imported by this managed plugin. |
icon | The custom icon to associate with the imported MonoScript. When the value is null, Unity restores the default icon. |
Sets the custom icon to associate with a MonoScript imported by a managed plugin.
Each MonoScript imported by managed plugins can have an associated custom icon. This icon is used in the Scene view, the Inspector, and the Project window. To remove a MonoScript's associated custom icon, pass null to this method.
Additional resources: MonoScript.GetClass, Type.FullName, PluginImporter.GetIcon, MonoImporter.SetIcon, EditorGUIUtility.SetIconForObject.
using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor;
public class Example { [MenuItem("Examples/Set Custom Icon on Managed Plugin MonoScript")] static void SetCustomIconOnManagedPluginMonoScript() { var dllPath = "Assets/MyManagedPlugin.dll"; var iconPath = "Assets/MyIcon.png"; var pluginImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(dllPath) as PluginImporter; var monoScript = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<MonoScript>(dllPath); var icon = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>(iconPath);
pluginImporter.SetIcon(monoScript.GetClass().FullName, icon); pluginImporter.SaveAndReimport(); } }