Rendering options for the BatchDrawCommand struct.
Property | Description |
None | This draw command does not have any special settings. |
FlipWinding | Unity reverses the triangle winding in this draw command. Usage example: the transform has a negative scale. |
HasMotion | The draw command renders per-object motion vectors. |
IsLightMapped | The draw command uses light maps. Light maps might not work correctly unless this flag is set when a draw command uses them. |
HasSortingPosition | Instances in the draw command have explicit world space sorting positions in the instanceSortingPositions array. Unity uses those sorting positions for depth sorting. |
LODCrossFadeKeyword | The draw command has LOD_FADE_CROSSFADE keyword enabled. |
LODCrossFadeValuePacked | The draw command has instances that have an 8-bit crossfade dither factor in the highest bits of their visible instance index. |
LODCrossFade | The draw command has both LOD_FADE_CROSSFADE keyword enabled and has instances that have an 8-bit crossfade dither factor in the highest bits of their visible instance index. |
UseLegacyLightmapsKeyword | The draw command has USE_LEGACY_LIGHTMAPS keyword enabled. When this flag is set, BatchDrawCommand.lightmapIndex is used to determine batching. |