Method |
Description |
Dispose | Clean up all memory used by the CullingGroup immediately. |
EraseSwapBack | Erase a given bounding sphere by moving the final sphere on top of it. |
GetDistance | Get the current distance band index of a given sphere. |
IsVisible | Returns true if the bounding sphere at index is currently visible from any of the contributing cameras. |
QueryIndices | Retrieve the indices of spheres that have particular visibility and/or distance states. |
SetBoundingDistances | Set bounding distances for 'distance bands' the group should compute, as well as options for how spheres falling into each distance band should be treated. |
SetBoundingSphereCount | Sets the number of bounding spheres in the bounding spheres array that are actually being used. |
SetBoundingSpheres | Sets the array of bounding sphere definitions that the CullingGroup should compute culling for. |
SetDistanceReferencePoint | Set the reference point from which distance bands are measured. |