Auto laid out version of EditorGUI.
Method | Description |
BeginBuildTargetSelectionGrouping | Begin a build target grouping and get the selected BuildTargetGroup back. |
BeginFadeGroup | Begins a group that can be be hidden/shown and the transition will be animated. |
BeginFoldoutHeaderGroup | Make a label with a foldout arrow to the left of it. |
BeginHorizontal | Begin a horizontal group and get its rect back. |
BeginScrollView | Begin an automatically laid out scrollview. |
BeginToggleGroup | Begin a vertical group with a toggle to enable or disable all the controls within at once. |
BeginVertical | Begin a vertical group and get its rect back. |
BoundsField | Make Center & Extents field for entering a Bounds. |
BoundsIntField | Make Position & Size field for entering a BoundsInt. |
ColorField | Make a field for selecting a Color. |
CurveField | Make a field for editing an AnimationCurve. |
DelayedDoubleField | Make a delayed text field for entering doubles. |
DelayedFloatField | Make a delayed text field for entering floats. |
DelayedIntField | Make a delayed text field for entering integers. |
DelayedTextField | Make a delayed text field. |
DoubleField | Make a text field for entering double values. |
DropdownButton | Make a button that reacts to mouse down, for displaying your own dropdown content. |
EditorToolbar | Makes a toolbar populated with the specified collection of editor tools. |
EditorToolbarForTarget | Makes a toolbar populated with the collection of editor tools that match the EditorToolAttribute of the target object. |
EndBuildTargetSelectionGrouping | Close a group started with BeginBuildTargetSelectionGrouping. |
EndFadeGroup | Closes a group started with BeginFadeGroup. |
EndFoldoutHeaderGroup | Closes a group started with BeginFoldoutHeaderGroup. |
EndHorizontal | Close a group started with BeginHorizontal. |
EndScrollView | Ends a scrollview started with a call to BeginScrollView. |
EndToggleGroup | Close a group started with BeginToggleGroup. |
EndVertical | Close a group started with BeginVertical. |
EnumFlagsField | Displays a menu with an option for every value of the enum type when clicked. |
EnumPopup | Make an enum popup selection field. |
FloatField | Make a text field for entering float values. |
Foldout | Make a label with a foldout arrow to the left of it. |
GetControlRect | Get a rect for an Editor control. |
GradientField | Make a field for editing a Gradient. |
HelpBox | Make a help box with a message to the user. |
InspectorTitlebar | Make an inspector-window-like titlebar. |
IntField | Make a text field for entering integers. |
IntPopup | Make an integer popup selection field. |
IntSlider | Make a slider the user can drag to change an integer value between a min and a max. |
LabelField | Make a label field. (Useful for showing read-only info.) |
LayerField | Make a layer selection field. |
LinkButton | Make a clickable link label. |
LongField | Make a text field for entering long integers. |
MaskField | Make a field for masks. |
MinMaxSlider | Make a special slider the user can use to specify a range between a min and a max. |
ObjectField | Make a field to receive any object type. |
PasswordField | Make a text field where the user can enter a password. |
Popup | Make a generic popup selection field. |
PrefixLabel | Make a label in front of some control. |
PropertyField | Make a field for SerializedProperty. |
RectField | Make an X, Y, W & H field for entering a Rect. |
RectIntField | Make an X, Y, W & H field for entering a RectInt. |
RenderingLayerMaskField | Makes a layer selection field. |
SelectableLabel | Make a selectable label field. (Useful for showing read-only info that can be copy-pasted.) |
Slider | Make a slider the user can drag to change a value between a min and a max. |
Space | Make a small space between the previous control and the following. |
TagField | Make a tag selection field. |
TextArea | Make a text area. |
TextField | Make a text field. |
Toggle | Make a toggle. |
ToggleLeft | Make a toggle field where the toggle is to the left and the label immediately to the right of it. |
ToolContextToolbar | Makes a toolbar populated with the specified collection of editor tool contexts. |
ToolContextToolbarForTarget | Makes a toolbar populated with the collection of EditorToolContext that match the EditorToolContextAttribute.targetType of the target object. |
Vector2Field | Make an X & Y field for entering a Vector2. |
Vector2IntField | Make an X & Y integer field for entering a Vector2Int. |
Vector3Field | Make an X, Y & Z field for entering a Vector3. |
Vector3IntField | Make an X, Y & Z integer field for entering a Vector3Int. |
Vector4Field | Make an X, Y, Z & W field for entering a Vector4. |