Base funtionality for accessing the Profiler data.
Provides base access to the Profiler data for a specific frame and thread.
Additional resources: RawFrameDataView, HierarchyFrameDataView.
Property | Description |
invalidMarkerId | Identifier of the invalid marker. |
invalidThreadId | This constant defines a thread id that does not match any valid thread's id. |
invalidThreadIndex | This constant defines a thread index that does not match any valid thread's index. |
Property | Description |
frameFps | The current frames per second (FPS) for the frame. |
frameGpuTimeMs | The amount of GPU frame time in milliseconds. |
frameGpuTimeNs | The amount of GPU frame time in nanoseconds. |
frameIndex | The frame index for the FrameDataView. |
frameStartTimeMs | The start time of CPU frame in milliseconds. |
frameStartTimeNs | The start time of CPU frame in nanoseconds. |
frameTimeMs | The amount of CPU frame time in milliseconds. |
frameTimeNs | The amount of CPU frame time in nanoseconds. |
maxDepth | Maximum child samples levels in the thread data. |
sampleCount | The amount of samples in the frame for the thread. |
threadGroupName | The name of the group that the thread belongs to. |
threadId | Persistent identifier associated with the thread. |
threadIndex | The index of the thread in the current frame. |
threadName | Name of the thread. |
valid | True after the frame data for the thread is processed and ready for retrieval. |
Method | Description |
GetAllCategories | Gets all the available Profiler Categories for the current profiling session. |
GetCategoryInfo | Gets the Profiler category information for a given category ID. |
GetCounterValueAsDouble | Gets the last value of a counter marker in the frame as a double data type'. |
GetCounterValueAsFloat | Gets the last value of a counter marker in the frame as a float data type'. |
GetCounterValueAsInt | Gets the last value of a counter marker in the frame as an int data type'. |
GetCounterValueAsLong | Gets the last value of a counter marker in the frame as a long data type. |
GetCounterValuePtr | Gets unsafe pointer to the last value of a counter marker in the frame. |
GetFrameMetaData | Retrieves metadata associated with the frame. |
GetFrameMetaDataCount | Gets the total number of metadata chunks for each id and tag pair in the frame. |
GetGfxResourceInfo | Gets information for a given graphics resource identifier. |
GetMarkerCategoryIndex | Gets Profiler marker category for the specific marker identifier. |
GetMarkerFlags | Gets Profiler marker flags for the specific marker identifier. |
GetMarkerId | Get Profiler marker identifier for a specific name. |
GetMarkerMetadataInfo | Gets Profiler marker metadata information for the specific marker identifier. |
GetMarkerName | Gets Profiler marker name for the specific marker identifier. |
GetMarkers | Gets all available markers for the current profiling session. |
GetSessionMetaData | Retrieves the metadata of the session this frame occurred in as a NativeArray. |
GetSessionMetaDataCount | Gets the total number of metadata chunks for each id and tag pair in the Profiler session. |
GetUnityObjectInfo | Gets the UnityEngine.Object information for a given Instance ID. |
GetUnityObjectNativeTypeInfo | Gets native Unity type intormation. |
GetUnityObjectNativeTypeInfoCount | Returns native types count in the capture. |
HasCounterValue | Returns true for a marker that includes a counter in the active frame. |
ResolveMethodInfo | Returns method name and location information for the specified method address. |