Describes the rendering features supported by a given render pipeline.
Set the active supported rendering features when enabling a render pipeline. This will change the state of the editor UI to reflect the changes.
Property | Description |
active | Get / Set a SupportedRenderingFeatures. |
Property | Description |
ambientProbeBaking | Determines if this renderer supports ambient probe baking. |
defaultMixedLightingModes | This is the fallback mode if the mode the user had previously selected is no longer available. See SupportedRenderingFeatures.mixedLightingModes. |
defaultReflectionProbeBaking | Specifies whether this renderer bakes a default Reflection Probe. |
editableMaterialRenderQueue | Determines whether the Scriptable Render Pipeline will override the default Material’s Render Queue settings and, if true, hides the Render Queue property in the Inspector. |
enlighten | Determines if Enlighten Realtime Global Illumination lightmapper is supported by the currently selected pipeline. If it is not supported, Enlighten-specific settings do not appear in the Editor, which then defaults to the CPU Lightmapper. |
lightmapBakeTypes | What baking types are supported. The unsupported ones will be hidden from the UI. See LightmapBakeType. |
lightmapsModes | Specifies what modes are supported. Has to be at least one. See LightmapsMode. |
lightProbeProxyVolumes | Are light probe proxy volumes supported? |
mixedLightingModes | Specifies what LightmapMixedBakeModes that are supported. Please define a SupportedRenderingFeatures.defaultMixedLightingModes in case multiple modes are supported. |
motionVectors | Are motion vectors supported? |
overridesEnableLODCrossFade | Specifies whether the renderer overrides the Enable LOD Cross Fade settings in the Quality Settings Panel. If It does, the renderer does not need the built-in UI for Enable LOD Cross Fade settings. |
overridesEnvironmentLighting | Determines if the renderer will override the Environment Lighting and will no longer need the built-in UI for it. |
overridesFog | Determines if the renderer will override the fog settings in the Lighting Panel and will no longer need the built-in UI for it. |
overridesLightProbeSystem | Determines if the renderer will override the light probe system with a different one. |
overridesLightProbeSystemWarningMessage | The message to display in the LightProbeGroup editor if the light probe system is overridden by the renderer. |
overridesLODBias | Specifies whether the renderer overrides the LOD bias settings in the Quality Settings Panel. If It does, the renderer does not need the built-in UI for LOD bias settings. |
overridesMaximumLODLevel | Specifies whether the renderer overrides the maximum LOD level settings in the Quality Settings Panel. If It does, the renderer does not need the built-in UI for maximum LOD level settings. |
overridesOtherLightingSettings | Determines if the renderer will override halo and flare settings in the Lighting Panel and will no longer need the built-in UI for it. |
overridesRealtimeReflectionProbes | Specifies whether the render pipeline overrides the real-time Reflection Probes settings in the Quality settings. If It does, the render pipeline does not need the built-in UI for real-time Reflection Probes settings. |
overridesShadowmask | Specifies whether the render pipeline overrides the Shadowmask settings in the Quality settings. |
particleSystemInstancing | Determines if the renderer supports Particle System GPU instancing. |
receiveShadows | Can renderers support receiving shadows? |
reflectionProbeModes | Flags for supported reflection probes. |
reflectionProbes | Are reflection probes supported? |
reflectionProbesBlendDistance | If this property is true, the blend distance field in the Reflection Probe Inspector window is editable. |
rendererPriority | Determines if the renderer supports renderer priority sorting. |
rendererProbes | Determines whether the Renderer supports probe lighting. |
rendersUIOverlay | Determines whether the function to render UI overlays is called by SRP and not by the engine. |
skyOcclusion | If True, the renderer supports sky occlusion in Probe Volumes. |
supportsClouds | If True, the renderer supports cloud layers or volumetric clouds. |
supportsHDR | If True, the renderer supports HDR display output. |