Value used to signify some changes in the VisualElement
Property | Description |
Bindings | Some data was bound |
ViewData | persistent data ready |
Hierarchy | changes to hierarchy |
Layout | changes to properties that may have an impact on layout |
StyleSheet | changes to StyleSheet, USS class |
Styles | changes to styles |
Overflow | changes to the overflow |
BorderRadius | changes to the border radis |
BorderWidth | changes to the border width |
Transform | changes that may impact the world transform (e.g. laid out position, local transform) |
Size | changes to the size of the element after layout has been performed, without taking the local transform into account |
Repaint | The visuals of the element have changed |
Opacity | The opacity of the element have changed |
Color | Some color of the element has changed (background-color, border-color, etc.) |
RenderHints | Some render hints were changed |
TransitionProperty | The 'transition-property' style of the element has changed (impacts cancelling of ongoing style transitions) |
EventCallbackCategories | The combined registered callbacks' EventCategory values has changed |
DisableRendering | The DisableRendering flag has changed |
BindingRegistration | Add or remove a binding was requested |
DataSource | The data source of the element was changed |
Picking | Some property changed that potentially invalidates cached Picking results |