characters | 需要位于该字体纹理中的字符。 |
size | 所请求的字符的大小(默认值 0 将使用该字体的默认大小)。 |
style | 所请求的字符的样式。 |
调用此函数,请求 Unity 确保字符串 characters
该字体的字体纹理(及其 characterInfo
这非常有用。您可以为这些字符提供自定义字体大小和样式。如果 size
如果该字体纹理没有空间来添加所有请求的字符,则 RequestCharactersInTexture 可能导致
重新生成该字体纹理。如果重新生成该字体纹理,将仅包含已使用的字符(使用 Font.RequestCharactersInTexture
或者在上一帧中使用 Unity 的文本渲染函数)。因此,
对于要使用自定义字体渲染函数渲染的屏幕上的任何文本,建议始终调用 RequestCharactersInTexture,
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections;
public class CustomFontMeshGenerator : MonoBehaviour { Font font; string str = "Hello World"; Mesh mesh;
void OnFontTextureRebuilt(Font changedFont) { if (changedFont != font) return;
RebuildMesh(); }
void RebuildMesh() { // Generate a mesh for the characters we want to print. var vertices = new Vector3[str.Length * 4]; var triangles = new int[str.Length * 6]; var uv = new Vector2[str.Length * 4]; Vector3 pos =; for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) { // Get character rendering information from the font CharacterInfo ch; font.GetCharacterInfo(str[i], out ch);
vertices[4 * i + 0] = pos + new Vector3(ch.minX, ch.maxY, 0); vertices[4 * i + 1] = pos + new Vector3(ch.maxX, ch.maxY, 0); vertices[4 * i + 2] = pos + new Vector3(ch.maxX, ch.minY, 0); vertices[4 * i + 3] = pos + new Vector3(ch.minX, ch.minY, 0);
uv[4 * i + 0] = ch.uvTopLeft; uv[4 * i + 1] = ch.uvTopRight; uv[4 * i + 2] = ch.uvBottomRight; uv[4 * i + 3] = ch.uvBottomLeft;
triangles[6 * i + 0] = 4 * i + 0; triangles[6 * i + 1] = 4 * i + 1; triangles[6 * i + 2] = 4 * i + 2;
triangles[6 * i + 3] = 4 * i + 0; triangles[6 * i + 4] = 4 * i + 2; triangles[6 * i + 5] = 4 * i + 3;
// Advance character position pos += new Vector3(ch.advance, 0, 0); } mesh.vertices = vertices; mesh.triangles = triangles; mesh.uv = uv; }
void Start() { font = Font.CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont("Helvetica", 16); // Set the rebuild callback so that the mesh is regenerated on font changes. Font.textureRebuilt += OnFontTextureRebuilt;
// Request characters. font.RequestCharactersInTexture(str);
// Set up mesh. mesh = new Mesh(); GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh; GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = font.material;
// Generate font mesh. RebuildMesh(); }
void Update() { // Keep requesting our characters each frame, so Unity will make sure that they stay in the font when regenerating the font texture. font.RequestCharactersInTexture(str); }
void OnDestroy() { Font.textureRebuilt -= OnFontTextureRebuilt; } }