Version: 2021.3
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


public void SetConstantBuffer (int nameID, ComputeBuffer buffer, int offset, int size);
public void SetConstantBuffer (string name, ComputeBuffer buffer, int offset, int size);
public void SetConstantBuffer (int nameID, GraphicsBuffer buffer, int offset, int size);
public void SetConstantBuffer (string name, GraphicsBuffer buffer, int offset, int size);


nameID The ID of the property name for the constant buffer in shader code. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID.
name The name of the constant buffer in shader code.
buffer The buffer to bind as constant buffer.
offset The offset in bytes from the beginning of the ComputeBuffer or GraphicsBuffer to bind. Must be a multiple of SystemInfo.constantBufferOffsetAlignment, or 0 if that value is 0.
size 要绑定的字节数。


Binds a constant buffer created through a ComputeBuffer or a GraphicsBuffer.

Use this method to override all of the shader parameters in the given constant buffer with the contents of the given ComputeBuffer or GraphicsBuffer.

When using a ComputeBuffer as parameter, it must have been created with a ComputeBufferType.Constant flag. Similarly, when a GraphicsBuffer is used as parameter, it must have been created with a GraphicsBuffer.Target.Constant flag. The data layout of the constant buffer must match exactly with the data provided in the ComputeBuffer or GraphicsBuffer.

If the obove conditions are not met, the buffer might not be bound correctly and so regular parameters will be picked up. Alternatively visual artifacts might occur.

After this function has been called with a non-null ComputeBuffer or GraphicsBuffer, you can no longer manually set the value of a variable inside the overridden constant buffer. Calls to RayTracingShader.SetFloat and similar where the given property name ID points to a variable inside the overridden constant buffer will have no effect.

The constant buffer specified as argument can be used only by the shaders defined inside the .raytrace file associated with the RayTracingShader. If the constant buffer needs to be visible in all ray tracing shader types (closesthit, anyhit, miss, etc.) then Shader.SetGlobalConstantBuffer must be used.