When used to access Mesh.GetBoneWeightBuffer the Bone Weight buffer will contain the following data:
* Element 0 to (mesh vertex count + 1) contain indices. These indices describe the start and end positions for the data in the rest of the buffer, ordered by mesh vertex. For example, element 0 is the start position of the data for mesh vertex 0; element 1 is the end position of the data for mesh vertex 0 and the start position of the data for mesh vertex 1, and so on.
* Element at (mesh vertex count + 1) describes the end position for the data for the final mesh vertex.
* After that, the BoneWeight1 that relate to each mesh vertex are stored contiguously. For example, all the BoneWeight1 that relate to mesh vertex 0 are contiguous, followed by all the blend shape vertices that relate to mesh vertex 1, and so on.