Version: 2023.1


当用户单击 Create 按钮时,将调用此函数。

在此处执行任何最终创建/修改操作。调用 OnCreateWizard 后,向导将自动关闭。


\ ScriptableWizard 窗口,用于选择特定“type”的游戏对象。

// Editor Script that lets you "Select" all the GameObjects that have a certain Component.

using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System.Collections;

public class ScriptableWizardOnWizardCreate : ScriptableWizard { [MenuItem("Example/OnWizardCreate example")] public static void SelectAllOfTypeMenuIem() { ScriptableWizard.DisplayWizard( "Select objects of type ...", typeof(ScriptableWizardOnWizardCreate), "Select"); }

void OnWizardCreate() { Object[] objs = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(GameObject)); ArrayList selectionBuilder = new ArrayList(); foreach (GameObject go in objs) { if (go.GetComponent<Camera>()) selectionBuilder.Add(go); } Selection.objects = selectionBuilder.ToArray(typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject[]; } }