Version: 2023.2


public void SetRandomWriteTarget (int index, Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier rt);
public void SetRandomWriteTarget (int index, ComputeBuffer buffer, bool preserveCounterValue);
public void SetRandomWriteTarget (int index, ComputeBuffer buffer);
public void SetRandomWriteTarget (int index, GraphicsBuffer buffer, bool preserveCounterValue);
public void SetRandomWriteTarget (int index, GraphicsBuffer buffer);


index 着色器中随机写入目标的索引。
buffer Buffer to set as the write target.
preserveCounterValue 是否保持附加/使用计数器的值不变。
rt RenderTargetIdentifier to set as the write target.


Shader Model 4.5 级别的像素着色器设置随机写入目标。

This is the CommandBuffer equivalent of Graphics.SetRandomWriteTarget. The same limitations and exceptions apply to this call as to Graphics.SetRandomWriteTarget.