Version: 2022.3


Represents an array, list, struct or class.

The Generic type is used for compound types that are serialized in-line:
- Arrays and lists.
- Structs that are user defined (e.g. not a built in Unity type).
- Classes that are serialized 'by value' (e.g. referenced without the SerializeReference attribute).
- Certain built in Unity structs, when they do not have dedicated SerializedPropertyType enum value. For example RectOffset is Generic, but Vector3 is SerializedPropertyType.Vector3.

Note: The term Generic, when used as a SerializedProperty type, should not be confused with the unrelated C# feature of Generic classes and methods.

See Also: SerializedProperty.isArray, SerializedPropertyType.ManagedReference, SerializedPropertyType.ObjectReference

using System;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace GenericObjectTypeExample { [Serializable] public struct ExampleStruct { public int m_Field; };

[Serializable] public class ExampleClass { public int m_Field; };

public class GenericTypeExample : ScriptableObject { // All these fields will be serialized public int[] m_ArrayOfInt; public List<int> m_ListOfInt; public ExampleStruct m_ExampleStruct = new ExampleStruct() { m_Field = 1 }; public ExampleClass m_ExampleClass = new ExampleClass() { m_Field = 2 };

[SerializeReference] public ExampleClass m_ManagedClass = new ExampleClass() { m_Field = 3 };

[MenuItem("Example/SerializedPropertyType Generic Example")] static void GenericExample() { var scriptableObject = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<GenericTypeExample>(); using (var serializedObject = new SerializedObject(scriptableObject)) { var report = new StringBuilder();

// Generic ReportType(report, serializedObject, "m_ArrayOfInt"); ReportType(report, serializedObject, "m_ListOfInt"); ReportType(report, serializedObject, "m_ExampleStruct"); ReportType(report, serializedObject, "m_ExampleClass");

// Not Generic ReportType(report, serializedObject, "m_ManagedClass");


AccessGenericValues(serializedObject); } }

static void AccessGenericValues(SerializedObject serializedObject) { // "generic" type struct and objects can be retrieved directly with boxedValue ExampleStruct structValues = (ExampleStruct)serializedObject.FindProperty("m_ExampleStruct").boxedValue;

// Alternatively individual fields can be read int fieldInStruct = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_ExampleStruct.m_Field").intValue;

Debug.Log($"Value of field in struct: {structValues.m_Field}, Value of field direct read: {fieldInStruct}");

// Similarly boxedValue supports writing to an inline class SerializedProperty inlineClass = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_ExampleClass");

// Serialize new state in a single call inlineClass.boxedValue = new ExampleClass() { m_Field = 4 };

// Individual fields can also be accessed Debug.Log($"Value of field in class after write: {inlineClass.FindPropertyRelative("m_Field").intValue}");

serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); }

static void ReportType(StringBuilder report, SerializedObject serializedObject, string propertyPath) { var serializedProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty(propertyPath); report.AppendLine($"{propertyPath} has type {serializedProperty.propertyType}"); } } }