Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


class in UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements


Hereda de:Experimental.UIElements.UxmlTraits

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UxmlTraits for the VisualElement.


uxmlAttributesDescriptionReturns an enumerable containing attribute descriptions for VisualElement properties that should be available in UXML.
uxmlChildElementsDescriptionReturns an enumerable containing UxmlChildElementDescription(typeof(VisualElement)), since VisualElements can contain other VisualElements.



Funciones Públicas

InitInitialize VisualElement properties using values from the attribute bag.

Miembros heredados


canHaveAnyAttributeMust return true if the UXML element attributes are not restricted to the values enumerated by UxmlTraits.uxmlAttributesDescription.
uxmlAttributesDescriptionDescribes the UXML attributes expected by the element. The attributes enumerated here will appear in the UXML schema.
uxmlChildElementsDescriptionDescribes the types of element that can appear as children of this element in a UXML file.