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public AsyncReadManagerMetricsFilters ();
public AsyncReadManagerMetricsFilters (ulong typeID);
public AsyncReadManagerMetricsFilters (Unity.IO.LowLevel.Unsafe.ProcessingState state);
public AsyncReadManagerMetricsFilters (Unity.IO.LowLevel.Unsafe.FileReadType readType);
public AsyncReadManagerMetricsFilters (Progress.Priority priorityLevel);
public AsyncReadManagerMetricsFilters (Unity.IO.LowLevel.Unsafe.AssetLoadingSubsystem subsystem);


typeIDThe YAML Class ID for the asset type to include in the summary calculations. See the YAML Class ID Reference page.
stateThe Processing State to include in the summary calculations.
readTypeThe type of file read (async or sync) to include in the summary calculations.
priorityLevelThe priority level to include in the summary calculations.
subsystemThe Subsystem 'tag' to include in the summary calculations.


Constructor for an instance of the Summary Metrics Filters, used to filter the metrics data that is included in the calculation of a summary.

The constructor takes one value of a filter. To take multiple values for the same filter, you can use the array constructor (below). For multiple filters, use the Set method for additional required filter types.

using Unity.IO.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using UnityEngine;

public class GetMetricsSummary : MonoBehaviour { #if ENABLE_PROFILER && UNITY_2020_2_OR_NEWER public void Start() { // Create a filter for texture file reads that have been completed AsyncReadManagerMetricsFilters m_TextureFilter = new AsyncReadManagerMetricsFilters(AssetLoadingSubsystem.Texture); m_TextureFilter.SetStateFilter(ProcessingState.Completed); }

#endif }

public AsyncReadManagerMetricsFilters (ulong[] typeIDs, ProcessingState[] states, FileReadType[] readTypes, Priority[] priorityLevels, AssetLoadingSubsystem[] subsystems);
public AsyncReadManagerMetricsFilters (ulong[] typeIDs);
public AsyncReadManagerMetricsFilters (ProcessingState[] states);
public AsyncReadManagerMetricsFilters (FileReadType[] readTypes);
public AsyncReadManagerMetricsFilters (Priority[] priorityLevels);
public AsyncReadManagerMetricsFilters (AssetLoadingSubsystem[] subsystems);


typeIDsAn array of all the TypeIDs to include in the summary calculations.
statesAn array of all the ProcessingStates to include in the summary calculations.
readTypesAn array of all the FileReadTypes to include in the summary calculations. As there are only two options, this is generally unnecesary.
priorityLevelsAn array of all the Priority levels to include in the summary calculations. As there are only two options, this is generally unnecesary.
subsystemsAn array of all the Subsystem 'tags' to include in the summary calculations.


Constructor for an instance of the Summary Metrics Filters, used to filter the metrics data that is included in the calculation of a summary.

The constructor takes an array of values for a single filter, or for all of the filters. For multiple filters, but not all, use the Set method for additional required filter types.

using Unity.IO.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using UnityEngine;

public class GetMetricsSummary : MonoBehaviour { #if ENABLE_PROFILER && UNITY_2020_2_OR_NEWER public void Start() { // Create a filter for mesh and texture file reads that have been completed or failed AssetLoadingSubsystem[] assetLoadingSubsystems = new AssetLoadingSubsystem[] {AssetLoadingSubsystem.Texture, AssetLoadingSubsystem.Mesh}; AsyncReadManagerMetricsFilters m_SummaryFilter = new AsyncReadManagerMetricsFilters(assetLoadingSubsystems); m_SummaryFilter.SetStateFilter(new ProcessingState[] { ProcessingState.Completed, ProcessingState.Failed }); }

#endif }