A body that forms part of a Physics articulation.
An articulation is a set of bodies arranged in a logical tree. The parent-child link in this tree reflects that the bodies have their relative motion constrained. Articulations are solved by a Featherstone solver that works in reduced coordinates - that is each body has relative coordinates to its parent but only along the unlocked degrees of freedom. This guarantees there is no unwanted stretch.
Like with regular Joints, there are two anchors for each pair of connected articulation bodies. One anchor is defined in the parent body's reference frame, whereas the other one is defined in the child's reference frame. Changing the constraints, you directly affect the allowed space for relative positions of the two anchors. For instance, ArticulationDofLock.LockedMotion will not allow any relative motion at all.
anchorPosition | Position of the anchor relative to this body. |
anchorRotation | Position of the anchor relative to this body. |
angularDamping | Damping factor that affects how this body resists rotations. |
angularVelocity | The angular velocity of the body defined in world space. |
centerOfMass | The center of mass of the body defined in local space. |
dofCount | The amount of degrees of freedom of a body. |
immovable | Allows you to specify that this body is not movable. |
index | The index of the body in the hierarchy of articulation bodies. |
inertiaTensor | The inertia tensor of this body. |
inertiaTensorRotation | La rotación del tensor de inercia. |
isRoot | Indicates whether this body is the root body of the articulation (Read Only). |
jointAcceleration | The joint acceleration in reduced coordinates. |
jointForce | The joint force in reduced coordinates. |
jointFriction | Allows you to specify the amount of friction that is applied as a result of connected bodies moving relative to this body. |
jointPosition | The joint position in reduced coordinates. |
jointType | The type of joint connecting this body to its parent body. |
jointVelocity | The joint velocity in reduced coordinates. |
linearDamping | Damping factor that affects how this body resists linear motion. |
linearLockX | The type of lock along X axis of movement. |
linearLockY | The type of lock along Y axis of movement. |
linearLockZ | The type of lock along Z axis of movement. |
mass | The mass of this articulation body. |
maxAngularVelocity | The maximimum angular velocity of the articulation body measured in radians per second. |
maxDepenetrationVelocity | The maximum velocity of an articulation body when moving out of penetrating state. |
maxJointVelocity | The maximum joint velocity of the articulation body joint in reduced coordinates. |
maxLinearVelocity | The maximum linear velocity of the articulation body measured in meters per second. |
parentAnchorPosition | Position of the anchor relative to this body's parent. |
parentAnchorRotation | Position of the anchor relative to this body's parent. |
sleepThreshold | El umbral de energía normalizado en masa, por debajo del cual los objetos empiezan a dormirse. |
solverIterations | The solverIterations determines how accurately articulation body joints and collision contacts are resolved. |
solverVelocityIterations | The solverVelocityIterations affects how accurately articulation body joints and collision contacts are resolved during bounce. |
swingYLock | The magnitude of the conical swing angle relative to Y axis. |
swingZLock | The magnitude of the conical swing angle relative to Z axis. |
twistLock | The type of lock for twist movement. |
useGravity | Controls whether gravity affects this articulation body. |
velocity | Linear velocity of the body defined in world space. |
worldCenterOfMass | The center of mass of the body defined in world space (Read Only). |
xDrive | The properties of drive along or around X. |
yDrive | The properties of drive along or around Y. |
zDrive | The properties of drive along or around Z. |
AddForce | Add force to the articulation body. |
AddForceAtPosition | Applies a force at a specific position, resulting in applying a torque and force on the object. |
AddRelativeForce | Applies a force to the articulation body, relative to its local coordinate system. |
AddRelativeTorque | Applies a torque to the articulation body, relative to its local coordinate system. |
AddTorque | Add torque to the articulation body. |
GetClosestPoint | Return the point on the articulation body that is closest to a given one. |
GetDenseJacobian | Calculates and writes dense Jacobian matrix of the articulation body hierarchy to the supplied struct. |
GetDofStartIndices | Calculates and reads back reduced coordinate data start indexes in reduced coordinate data buffer for every articulation body in the hierarchy. |
GetDriveTargets | Reads back articulation body joint drive targets of the entire hierarchy to the supplied list of floats. |
GetDriveTargetVelocities | Reads back articulation body joint drive target velocities of the entire hierarchy to the supplied list of floats . |
GetJointAccelerations | Reads back articulation body joint accelerations of the entire hierarchy to the supplied list of floats . |
GetJointForces | Reads back articulation body joint forces of the entire hierarchy to the supplied list of floats . |
GetJointPositions | Reads back articulation body joint positions of the entire hierarchy to the supplied list of floats . |
GetJointVelocities | Reads back articulation body joint velocities of the entire hierarchy to the supplied list of floats . |
GetPointVelocity | Gets the velocity of the articulation body at the specified worldPoint in global space. |
GetRelativePointVelocity | The velocity relative to the articulation body at the point relativePoint. |
IsSleeping | Indicates whether the articulation body is sleeping. |
ResetCenterOfMass | Resets the center of mass of the articulation body. |
ResetInertiaTensor | Resets the inertia tensor value and rotation. |
SetDriveTargets | Assigns articulation body joint drive targets for the entire hierarchy of bodies. |
SetDriveTargetVelocities | Assigns articulation body joint drive target velocities for the entire hierarchy of bodies. |
SetJointAccelerations | Assigns articulation body joint accelerations for the entire hierarchy of bodies. |
SetJointForces | Assigns articulation body joint forces for the entire hierarchy of bodies. |
SetJointPositions | Assigns articulation body joint positions for the entire hierarchy of bodies. |
SetJointVelocities | Assigns articulation body joint velocities for the entire hierarchy of bodies. |
Sleep | Forces an articulation body to sleep. |
TeleportRoot | Teleport the root body of the articulation to a new pose. |
WakeUp | Forces an articulation body to wake up. |
enabled | Enabled Behaviours are Updated, disabled Behaviours are not. |
isActiveAndEnabled | Has the Behaviour had active and enabled called? |
gameObject | El game object que tiene este componente adjunto. Un componente siempre está adjunto a un game object. |
tag | El tag de este game object. |
transform | The Transform attached to this GameObject. |
BroadcastMessage | Llama al método denominado methodName de todos los MonoBehaviour en este game objecto en cualquiera de sus hijos. |
CompareTag | ¿Este game object está etiquetado con tag? |
GetComponent | Returns the component of Type type if the GameObject has one attached, null if it doesn't. Will also return disabled components. |
GetComponentInChildren | Retorna el componente de tipo type en el GameObject o cualquiera de sus hijos utilizando depth first search (busqueda de profundidad). |
GetComponentInParent | Retorna el componente de tipo type en el GameObject o cualquiera de sus padres. |
GetComponents | Retorna todos los componentes de tipo type en el GameObject. |
GetComponentsInChildren | Retorna todos los componentes de tipo type en el GameObject o cualquiera de sus hijo. |
GetComponentsInParent | Retorna todos los componentes de tipo type en el GameObject o cualquiera de sus padres. |
SendMessage | Llama al método denominado methodName en cada MonoBehaviour de este game object. |
SendMessageUpwards | Llama al método denominado methodName en todos los MonoBehaviour de este juego y en todos los ancestros del behaviour. |
TryGetComponent | Gets the component of the specified type, if it exists. |