Version: 2017.2
public static float GetPropertyHeight (SerializedProperty property, bool includeChildren);
public static float GetPropertyHeight (SerializedPropertyType type, GUIContent label);
public static float GetPropertyHeight (SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label= null, bool includeChildren= true);


property プロパティー領域の高さ
label 説明するテキストやイメージ
includeChildren 返される高さは子プロパティーの高さを含む必要があるか。


PropertyField 制御に必要な高さを取得します。

The height is based on the type of the SerializedProperty, and inclues the height of all expanded children if the includeChildren parameter is set to true, which is the default. If the property has a custom PropertyDrawer, the function will return the height returned by that drawer. The includeChildren parameter is ignored in that case, as PropertyDrawers always include children.