Version: 2021.3
言語: 日本語
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


public void AddInstance (Renderer targetRenderer, bool[] subMeshMask, bool[] subMeshTransparencyFlags, bool enableTriangleCulling, bool frontTriangleCounterClockwise, uint mask, uint id);
public void AddInstance (Renderer targetRenderer, RayTracingSubMeshFlags[] subMeshFlags, bool enableTriangleCulling, bool frontTriangleCounterClockwise, uint mask, uint id);
public void AddInstance (GraphicsBuffer aabbBuffer, uint numElements, Material material, bool isCutOff, bool enableTriangleCulling, bool frontTriangleCounterClockwise, uint mask, bool reuseBounds, uint id);
public void AddInstance (GraphicsBuffer aabbBuffer, uint numElements, Material material, Matrix4x4 instanceTransform, bool isCutOff, bool enableTriangleCulling, bool frontTriangleCounterClockwise, uint mask, bool reuseBounds, uint id);


targetRenderer The Renderer to add to the RayTracingAccelerationStructure.
subMeshMask A bool array of any size that indicates whether or not to add a sub-mesh to the RayTracingAccelerationStructure. For a Renderer with multiple sub-meshes, if subMeshMask[i] = true, Unity adds the sub-mesh to the RayTracingAccelerationStructure. For a Renderer with only one sub-mesh, you may pass an uninitialized array as a default value.
subMeshTransparencyFlags A bool array of any size that indicates whether a given sub-mesh is transparent or opaque. For a Renderer with multiple sub-meshes, if subMeshTransparencyFlag[i] = true, Unity marks that sub-mesh as transparent. For a Renderer with only one sub-mesh, pass an array with a single initialized entry to indicate whether or not the one sub-mesh is transparent. When a ray-triangle intersection test succeeds for a sub-meshes that is marked as transparent, the GPU invokes an any hit shader.
enableTriangleCulling A bool that indicates whether front/back face culling for this ray tracing instance is enabled. The culling takes place when the GPU performs a ray-triangle intersection test. Culling is enabled (true) by default.
frontTriangleCounterClockwise A bool that indicates whether to flip the way triangles face in this ray tracing instance. If this is set to true, front-facing triangles will become back-facing and vice versa. Set to false by default.
mask An 8-bit mask you can use to selectively intersect the ray tracing instance associated with the target Renderer with rays that only pass the mask. All rays are enabled (0xff) by default.
aabbBuffer A GraphicsBuffer that defines a number of axis-aligned bounding boxes (AABBs). An AABB is defined by a list of bounds, written as floats in the following order: minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ.
numElements The number of axis-aligned bounding boxes defined in the given GraphicsBuffer.
material The Material to apply to an instance defined by axis-aligned bounding boxes in a GraphicsBuffer.
instanceTransform The object to world matrix to apply to an instance defined by axis-aligned bounding boxes in a GraphicsBuffer. This is optional, and takes the value of a Matrix4x4.identity by default.
isCutOff A bool that indicates whether the Material applied to a GraphicsBuffer instance has cutoff transparency.
reuseBounds A bool that indicates whether Unity reuses the AABBs defined in the GraphicsBuffer without change. If the exact same bounds can be used across multiple acceleration structures or multiple frames, set this to true. This is false by default.
subMeshFlags A list of flags that control the shader execution behaviour when a ray intersects a sub-mesh geometry. See RayTracingSubMeshFlags for additional information.
id An optional instance ID value that can be accessed using InstanceID() HLSL function.


Adds a ray tracing instance associated with a Renderer to this RayTracingAccelerationStructure.

Instance geometry can be either a Renderer or a GraphicsBuffer that includes a number of axis-aligned bounding boxes.

When you have added all required instances, use RayTracingAccelerationStructure.Build or CommandBuffer.BuildRayTracingAccelerationStructure to build the acceleration structure on the GPU.

Ray tracing instances in the acceleration structure contain an 8-bit user defined instance mask. The TraceRay() HLSL function has an 8-bit input parameter, InstanceInclusionMask which gets ANDed with the instance mask from any ray tracing instance that is a candidate for intersection during acceleration structure traversal on the GPU. If the result of the AND operation is zero, the intersection is ignored.

See Also: RayTracingAccelerationStructure.RemoveInstance, RayTracingSubMeshFlags.