Version: 2021.3
言語: 日本語
public void GetItemMergedSamplesColumnData (int id, int column, List<string> outStrings);


id Hierarchy item identifier.
column Column identifier.
outStrings List filled with values of merged samples as a result of a method call.


Use to retrieve a values of merged samples of a hierarchy item.

When HierarchyFrameDataView uses ViewMode.MergeSamplesWithTheSameName mode, multiple samples with the same name at the same hierarchy level are merged together and are represented by a single item. Respectively GetItemColumnData in this case represents an aggregated value.
GetItemMergedSamplesColumnData allows to obtain values of individual samples in merged hierarchy.
The result is written to outStrings list which is resized if necessary.

See Also: GetItemColumnData, GetItemMergedSamplesCount.