Version: 2022.2
言語: 日本語


struct in UnityEngine



Script interface for the VelocityOverLifetimeModule.

This module sets the velocity of particles during their lifetime.

関連項目: ParticleSystem, ParticleSystem.velocityOverLifetime.


enabledSpecifies whether the VelocityOverLifetimeModule is enabled or disabled.
orbitalOffsetXSpecify a custom center of rotation for the orbital and radial velocities.
orbitalOffsetXMultiplierA multiplier for _orbitalOffsetX.
orbitalOffsetYSpecify a custom center of rotation for the orbital and radial velocities.
orbitalOffsetYMultiplierA multiplier for _orbitalOffsetY.
orbitalOffsetZSpecify a custom center of rotation for the orbital and radial velocities.
orbitalOffsetZMultiplierA multiplier for _orbitalOffsetY.
orbitalXCurve to control particle speed based on lifetime, around the x-axis.
orbitalXMultiplierSpeed multiplier along the x-axis.
orbitalYCurve to control particle speed based on lifetime, around the y-axis.
orbitalYMultiplierSpeed multiplier along the y-axis.
orbitalZCurve to control particle speed based on lifetime, around the z-axis.
orbitalZMultiplierSpeed multiplier along the z-axis.
radialCurve to control particle speed based on lifetime, away from a center position.
radialMultiplierA multiplier for ParticleSystem.VelocityOverLifetimeModule.radial.
speedModifierCurve to control particle speed based on lifetime, without affecting the direction of the particles.
speedModifierMultiplierA multiplier for ParticleSystem.VelocityOverLifetimeModule.speedModifier.
xCurve to control particle speed based on lifetime, on the x-axis.
xMultiplierA multiplier for ParticleSystem.VelocityOverLifetimeModule.x
yCurve to control particle speed based on lifetime, on the y-axis.
yMultiplierA multiplier for ParticleSystem.VelocityOverLifetimeModule.y.
zCurve to control particle speed based on lifetime, on the z-axis.
zMultiplierA multiplier for ParticleSystem.VelocityOverLifetimeModule.z.