Version: 2023.2
言語: 日本語


struct in Unity.IntegerTime



The number of ticks per second ( rate ) of the discrete time, expressed as a rational number.

Static 変数

DefaultTicksPerSecondThe default rate is 141120000 ticks per second. This value can represent most frame rates in a lossless way.
TicksPerSecond11988120 Frames per second drop-frame.
TicksPerSecond120120 Frames per second.
TicksPerSecond239724 Frames per second drop-frame.
TicksPerSecond2424 Frames per second.
TicksPerSecond242525 Frames per second drop-frame.
TicksPerSecond2525 Frames per second.
TicksPerSecond299730 Frames per second drop-frame.
TicksPerSecond3030 Frames per second.
TicksPerSecond5050 Frames per second.
TicksPerSecond599460 Frames per second drop-frame.
TicksPerSecond6060 Frames per second.


DenominatorReturns the denominator.
NumeratorReturns the numerator.
ValidReturns whether the rate is valid. An invalid rate has a 0 denominator.


RationalTime.TicksPerSecondConstructor that builds a rational TicksPerSecond. The fraction is immediately reduced.

Public 関数

EqualsReturns whether two values are equal.