Script interface for the Shape module.
See Also: ParticleSystem, ParticleSystem.shape.
alignToDirection | Align particles based on their initial direction of travel. |
angle | Angle of the cone. |
arc | Circle arc angle. |
arcMode | The mode used for generating particles around the arc. |
arcSpeed | When using one of the animated modes, how quickly to move the emission position around the arc. |
arcSpeedMultiplier | A multiplier of the arc speed of the emission shape. |
arcSpread | Control the gap between emission points around the arc. |
boxThickness | Thickness of the box. |
donutRadius | The radius of the Donut shape. |
enabled | Enable/disable the Shape module. |
length | Length of the cone. |
mesh | Mesh to emit particles from. |
meshMaterialIndex | Emit particles from a single material of a mesh. |
meshRenderer | MeshRenderer to emit particles from. |
meshShapeType | Where on the mesh to emit particles from. |
normalOffset | Move particles away from the surface of the source mesh. |
position | Apply an offset to the position from which particles are emitted. |
radius | Radius of the shape. |
radiusMode | The mode used for generating particles along the radius. |
radiusSpeed | When using one of the animated modes, how quickly to move the emission position along the radius. |
radiusSpeedMultiplier | A multiplier of the radius speed of the emission shape. |
radiusSpread | Control the gap between emission points along the radius. |
radiusThickness | Thickness of the radius. |
randomDirectionAmount | Randomizes the starting direction of particles. |
randomPositionAmount | Randomizes the starting position of particles. |
rotation | Apply a rotation to the shape from which particles are emitted. |
scale | Apply scale to the shape from which particles are emitted. |
shapeType | Type of shape to emit particles from. |
skinnedMeshRenderer | SkinnedMeshRenderer to emit particles from. |
sphericalDirectionAmount | Spherizes the starting direction of particles. |
useMeshColors | Modulate the particle colors with the vertex colors, or the material color if no vertex colors exist. |
useMeshMaterialIndex | Emit from a single material, or the whole mesh. |