
매뉴얼로 전환
public void GetItemMergedSampleCallstack (int id, int sampleIndex, List<ulong> outCallstack);


sampleIndexMerged sample index.
idHierarchy item identifier.
outCallstackList filled with callstack pointers as a result of a method call.


Gets the callstack associated with the specified hierarchy item.

When the callstack collection mode is enabled for certain profiler markers (such as GC.Alloc), the profiler writes the callstack to the data stream. The callstack refers to the instruction pointer stack. Instruction pointers can be resolved into function names which you can the use to identify the sample origin in the source code. GetItemCallstack retrieves the callstack as a list of pointers. Each list entry represents a function call.

Use ResolveMethodInfo to get funtion name and location information for the instruction pointer.