
class in UnityEngine.UIElements


다음으로부터 상속:UIElements.UxmlFactory_2

매뉴얼로 전환


Factory for the root UXML element.

This factory does not create any VisualElement. It exists solely for the purpose of schema generation.


substituteForTypeNameReturns the empty string, as the root element can not appear anywhere else bit at the root of the document.
substituteForTypeNamespaceReturns the empty string, as the root element can not appear anywhere else bit at the root of the document.
substituteForTypeQualifiedNameReturns the empty string, as the root element can not appear anywhere else bit at the root of the document.
uxmlNameReturns "UXML".
uxmlQualifiedNameReturns the qualified name for this element.



Public 함수

CreateReturns null.

상속된 멤버


canHaveAnyAttributeReturns UxmlTraits.canHaveAnyAttribute (where UxmlTraits is the argument for T1).
substituteForTypeNameReturns an empty string if T0 is not VisualElement; otherwise, returns "VisualElement".
substituteForTypeNamespaceReturns the namespace for substituteForTypeName.
substituteForTypeQualifiedNameReturns the fully qualified name for substituteForTypeName.
uxmlAttributesDescriptionReturns an empty enumerable.
uxmlChildElementsDescriptionReturns an empty enumerable.
uxmlNameReturns the type name of T0.
uxmlNamespaceReturns the namespace name of T0.
uxmlQualifiedNameReturns the typefully qualified name of T0.

Public 함수

AcceptsAttributeBagReturns true.