Version: 2021.2
언어: 한국어
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


매뉴얼로 전환
public delegatevoid SampleFramesEventNativeFunction (IntPtr userData, uint providerId, uint sampleFrameCount);


userData User data specified when the handler was set. The actual C type is void*.
providerId Id of the provider. See
sampleFrameCount Number of sample frames available or overflowed, depending on event type.


Type that represents the native function pointer for handling sample frame events.

Sample frames events are AudioSampleProvider.sampleFramesAvailable and AudioSampleProvider.sampleFramesOverflow.

Importing such a function from a native plug-in would be done this way:

[DllImport(pluginName, ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern void SampleFramesAvailable(IntPtr userData, uint id, uint sampleFrameCount);