Version: 2017.1


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public void SetScheduledEndTime (double time);


time @param time Время в секундах.


Изменяет время, в которое звук, уже запланированный на воспроизведение, закончит воспроизведение. Обратите внимание, что в зависимости от времени, не каждый запрос на перепланирование может быть выполнен.

Следует помнить, что заданное время это всё ещё время на абсолютной временной шкале, что означает остановку воспроизведения звука при достижении этого времени, вне зависимости от того, когда он начал воспроизводиться. Так, если у вас есть звук длиной 5 секунд и вы хотите проиграть его в момент T и остановить через 3 секунды (т.е. заглушить последние 2 секунды звука), вам следует задать время конца воспроизведения как T+3. Эта функция может быть полезна в музыкальных системах для преодоления разрывов в сигналах, вызванных кодеками с потерями, работающими по кадрам.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

// While this may seem unnecessarily complicated to do this in the case of uncompressed sounds, you can now use // the SavWav code from to save the generated clips into new assets, // run the program once with a specified sourceClip and the script will generate "cut1.wav" and "cut2.wav". // These can now be imported into Unity as assets and changed to compressed sounds. // Since psychoacoustic compression severely alters the waveforms and frequency content of sounds and // furthermore operates in a block-based fashion, it would cause very noticeable pops and clicks if we didn't // have the sound data after and before the cut point. By having it, even though we are not playing it, the decoder is "warmed up", // i.e. it has matching frequency content before and after the transition, so at least the // frequency spectrum will be more or less the same before and after the transition and so the click will be less audible // than if we had just cut up the sound without the 0.2s overlap regions. // This method may also be combined with cross-fading in order to further smoothen out any remaining artifacts. [RequireComponent(typeof(AudioSource))] public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { public AudioClip sourceClip; private AudioSource audio1; private AudioSource audio2; private AudioClip cutClip1; private AudioClip cutClip2; private float overlap = 0.2F; private int len1 = 0; private int len2 = 0; void Start() { GameObject child; child = new GameObject("Player1"); child.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; audio1 = child.AddComponent<AudioSource>(); child = new GameObject("Player2"); child.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; audio2 = child.AddComponent<AudioSource>(); int overlapSamples; if (sourceClip != null) { len1 = sourceClip.samples / 2; len2 = sourceClip.samples - len1; overlapSamples = (int)(overlap * sourceClip.frequency); cutClip1 = AudioClip.Create("cut1", len1 + overlapSamples, sourceClip.channels, sourceClip.frequency, false, false); cutClip2 = AudioClip.Create("cut2", len2 + overlapSamples, sourceClip.channels, sourceClip.frequency, false, false); float[] smp1 = new float[(len1 + overlapSamples) * sourceClip.channels]; float[] smp2 = new float[(len2 + overlapSamples) * sourceClip.channels]; sourceClip.GetData(smp1, 0); sourceClip.GetData(smp2, len1 - overlapSamples); cutClip1.SetData(smp1, 0); cutClip2.SetData(smp2, 0); } else { overlapSamples = (int)overlap * cutClip1.frequency; len1 = cutClip1.samples - overlapSamples; len2 = cutClip2.samples - overlapSamples; } }

void OnGUI() { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 50, 230, 40), "Trigger source")) audio1.PlayOneShot(sourceClip);

if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 100, 230, 40), "Trigger cut 1")) audio1.PlayOneShot(cutClip1);

if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 150, 230, 40), "Trigger cut 2")) audio1.PlayOneShot(cutClip2);

if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 200, 230, 40), "Play stitched")) { audio1.clip = cutClip1; audio2.clip = cutClip2; double t0 = AudioSettings.dspTime + 3.0F; double clipTime1 = len1; clipTime1 /= cutClip1.frequency; audio1.PlayScheduled(t0); audio1.SetScheduledEndTime(t0 + clipTime1); Debug.Log("t0 = " + t0 + ", clipTime1 = " + clipTime1 + ", cutClip1.frequency = " + cutClip1.frequency); Debug.Log("cutClip2.frequency = " + cutClip2.frequency + ", samplerate = " + AudioSettings.outputSampleRate); audio2.PlayScheduled(t0 + clipTime1); audio2.time = overlap; } } }

Примечание: Если возможно, создавайте клипы, перекрывающие друг друга и используйте запланированное время окончания воспроизведения для первого, и AudioSource.time для второго, чтобы вырезать часть с перекрыванием, как показано на примере выше.