Version: 2017.1


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public Rect TexturePropertySingleLine (GUIContent label, MaterialProperty textureProp);
public Rect TexturePropertySingleLine (GUIContent label, MaterialProperty textureProp, MaterialProperty extraProperty1);
public Rect TexturePropertySingleLine (GUIContent label, MaterialProperty textureProp, MaterialProperty extraProperty1, MaterialProperty extraProperty2);


label The label used for the texture property.
textureProp The texture property.
extraProperty1 First optional property inlined after the texture property.
extraProperty2 Second optional property inlined after the extraProperty1.


Rect Returns the Rect used.


Method for showing a texture property control with additional inlined properites.

This method can be used if multiple controls is wanted on the same line. The texture is shown using the mini thumbnail. Usefull for compact representation of properties of up to three material properties. See Also: TexturePropertyTwoLines, ShaderGUI.