Version: 2017.1


class in UnityEngine.Networking

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This is the base class for type-specific SyncList classes.

A SyncList can only be of the following type;

• Basic type (byte, int, float, string, UInt64, etc)
• Built-in Unity math type (Vector3, Quaternion, etc),
• NetworkIdentity
• NetworkInstanceId
• NetworkHash128
• GameObject with a NetworkIdentity component attached.


CallbackThe delegate type used for SyncListChanged.
CountReturns the number of elements in this SyncList<T>.
IsReadOnlyReports whether the SyncList<T> is read-only.

Public Functions

AddSame as List:Add() but the item is added on clients.
ClearSame as List:Clear() but the list is cleared on clients.
ContainsDetermines whether the list contains item item.
CopyToCopies the elements of the SyncList<T> to an Array, starting at a particular Array index.
DirtyMarks an item in the list as dirty, so it will be updated on clients.
GetEnumeratorReturns an enumerator that iterates through the SyncList<T>.
HandleMsgInternal function used for remote list operations.
IndexOfDetermines the index of a specific item in the SyncList<T>.
InitializeBehaviourInternal function.
InsertSame as List::Insert() but also inserts into list on clients.
RemoveSame as List:Remove except removes on clients also.
RemoveAtSame as List:Remove except it removes the index on clients also.

Protected Functions

DeserializeItemThis method is used when deserializing SyncList items from a stream.
SerializeItemThis is used to write a value object from a SyncList to a stream.


SyncListChangedA delegate that can be populated to recieve callbacks when the list changes.