Script interface for the main module.
See Also: ParticleSystem, ParticleSystem.main.
customSimulationSpace | Simulate particles relative to a custom transform component. |
duration | The duration of the particle system in seconds. |
emitterVelocityMode | Control how the Particle System calculates its velocity, when moving in the world. |
flipRotation | Cause some particles to spin in the opposite direction. |
gravityModifier | Scale applied to the gravity, defined by Physics.gravity. |
gravityModifierMultiplier | Change the gravity mulutiplier. |
loop | Зациклена ли система частиц? |
maxParticles | Максимальное количество частиц, которые можно испустить. |
playOnAwake | If set to true, the particle system will automatically start playing on startup. |
prewarm | When looping is enabled, this controls whether this particle system will look like it has already simulated for one loop when first becoming visible. |
scalingMode | Control how the particle system's Transform Component is applied to the particle system. |
simulationSpace | This selects the space in which to simulate particles. It can be either world or local space. |
simulationSpeed | Override the default playback speed of the Particle System. |
startColor | Изначальный цвет частицы. |
startDelay | Задержка перед началом (в секундах). |
startDelayMultiplier | Start delay multiplier in seconds. |
startLifetime | The total lifetime in seconds that each new particle will have. |
startLifetimeMultiplier | Start lifetime multiplier. |
startRotation | The initial rotation of particles when emitted. |
startRotation3D | A flag to enable 3D particle rotation. |
startRotationMultiplier | Start rotation multiplier. |
startRotationX | The initial rotation of particles around the X axis when emitted. |
startRotationXMultiplier | Start rotation multiplier around the X axis. |
startRotationY | The initial rotation of particles around the Y axis when emitted. |
startRotationYMultiplier | Start rotation multiplier around the Y axis. |
startRotationZ | The initial rotation of particles around the Z axis when emitted. |
startRotationZMultiplier | Start rotation multiplier around the Z axis. |
startSize | The initial size of particles when emitted. |
startSize3D | A flag to enable specifying particle size individually for each axis. |
startSizeMultiplier | Start size multiplier. |
startSizeX | The initial size of particles along the X axis when emitted. |
startSizeXMultiplier | Start rotation multiplier along the X axis. |
startSizeY | The initial size of particles along the Y axis when emitted. |
startSizeYMultiplier | Start rotation multiplier along the Y axis. |
startSizeZ | The initial size of particles along the Z axis when emitted. |
startSizeZMultiplier | Start rotation multiplier along the Z axis. |
startSpeed | The initial speed of particles when emitted. |
startSpeedMultiplier | A multiplier of the initial speed of particles when emitted. |
stopAction | Configure whether the GameObject will automatically disable or destroy itself, when the Particle System is stopped and all particles have died. |
useUnscaledTime | When true, use the unscaled delta time to simulate the Particle System. Otherwise, use the scaled delta time. |