Version: 2018.2
public static IntPtr GetConstructorID (IntPtr javaClass);
public static IntPtr GetConstructorID (IntPtr javaClass, string signature);


javaClassRaw JNI Java class object (obtained by calling AndroidJNI.FindClass).
signatureConstructor method signature (e.g. obtained by calling AndroidJNIHelper.GetSignature).


Scans a particular Java class for a constructor method matching a signature.

The signature comparison is done to allow for sub-/base-classes of the class types. If no signature is provided the first constuctor found will be returned.

See Also: AndroidJNIHelper.GetSignature, AndroidJNIHelper.GetMethodID, AndroidJNIHelper.GetFieldID.

public static IntPtr GetConstructorID (IntPtr jclass, object[] args);


javaClassRaw JNI Java class object (obtained by calling AndroidJNI.FindClass).
argsArray with parameters to be passed to the constructor when invoked.


Get a JNI method ID for a constructor based on calling arguments.

Scans a particular Java class for a constructor method matching a signature based on passed arguments. The signature comparison is done to allow for sub-/base-classes of the class types.