Version: 2019.2
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


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public void AddObjectToAsset (string identifier, Object obj);
public void AddObjectToAsset (string identifier, Object obj, Texture2D thumbnail);


identifierA unique identifier associated to this object.
objThe Unity Object to add to the asset.
thumbnailAn optional 2D texture to use as the thumbnail for this object.


Adds an object to the result of the import operation.

Use this method to add objects to the resulting asset. AddObjectToAsset can be called multiple times if more than one unity object is the result of the import process. Note: You must make sure that your importer provides a unique identifier for each added object. You must also make sure that your code regenerates the same identifier each time the file is re-imported: identifiers should be deterministic. This allows Unity to keep match previously imported objects with the newly created objects. The identifier only needs to be unique within the context of the Asset file and not globally unique across your whole project.