public bool CapsuleCast (Vector3 point1, Vector3 point2, float radius, Vector3 direction, out RaycastHit hitInfo, float maxDistance= Mathf.Infinity, int layerMask= DefaultRaycastLayers, QueryTriggerInteraction queryTriggerInteraction= QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal);


point1The center of the sphere at the start of the capsule.
point2The center of the sphere at the end of the capsule.
radiusThe radius of the capsule.
directionThe direction into which to sweep the capsule.
hitInfoIf true is returned, hitInfo will contain more information about where the collider was hit. (See Also: RaycastHit).
maxDistance@param distance Длина луча.
layerMaskA Layer mask that is used to selectively ignore colliders when casting a capsule.
queryTriggerInteractionSpecifies whether this query should hit Triggers.


bool @return True если луч пересекся хотя-бы с одним коллайдером,в ином случае - false.


Casts a capsule against all colliders in this physics scene and returns detailed information on what was hit.

public int CapsuleCast (Vector3 point1, Vector3 point2, float radius, Vector3 direction, RaycastHit[] results, float maxDistance= Mathf.Infinity, int layerMask= DefaultRaycastLayers, QueryTriggerInteraction queryTriggerInteraction= QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal);


point1The center of the sphere at the start of the capsule.
point2The center of the sphere at the end of the capsule.
radiusThe radius of the capsule.
directionThe direction into which to sweep the capsule.
resultsThe buffer to store the results in.
maxDistance@param distance Длина луча.
layerMaskA Layer mask that is used to selectively ignore colliders when casting a capsule.
queryTriggerInteractionSpecifies whether this query should hit Triggers.


int The amount of hits stored to the results buffer.


Casts a capsule against all colliders in this physics scene and returns detailed information on what was hit.