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public static method GetOutgoingPacketOverflowLossPercent(hostId: int, connectionId: int, out error: byte): int;
public static int GetOutgoingPacketOverflowLossPercent(int hostId, int connectionId, out byte error);


hostId Host ID associated with this connection.
connectionId ID of the connection.
error Error (can be cast to NetworkError for more information).


int The number of packets dropped by the peer in the last ping timeout period expressed as an integer percentage from 0 to 100.


Returns the value in percent of the number of sent packets that were dropped by the peer.

This value is calculated from packets dropped by the peer between subsequent “keep alive” or ping packets. The packet rate is set, so the number of packets lost can be calculated from the expected number of incoming packets and the actual number of incoming packets. Peers can drop packets when they receive too many in a short time, or are unable to process the packets they have received due to lack of resources.

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