The Physics2d module implements 2D physics in Unity.
AnchoredJoint2D | Parent class for all joints that have anchor points. |
AreaEffector2D | Applies forces within an area. |
BoxCollider2D | Collider for 2D physics representing an axis-aligned rectangle. |
BuoyancyEffector2D | Applies forces to simulate buoyancy, fluid-flow and fluid drag. |
CapsuleCollider2D | A capsule-shaped primitive collider. |
CircleCollider2D | Collider for 2D physics representing an circle. |
Collider2D | Parent class for collider types used with 2D gameplay. |
Collision2D | Collision details returned by 2D physics callback functions. |
CompositeCollider2D | A Collider that can merge other Colliders together. |
ConstantForce2D | Applies both linear and angular (torque) forces continuously to the rigidbody each physics update. |
DistanceJoint2D | Joint that keeps two Rigidbody2D objects a fixed distance apart. |
EdgeCollider2D | Collider for 2D physics representing an arbitrary set of connected edges (lines) defined by its vertices. |
Effector2D | A base class for all 2D effectors. |
FixedJoint2D | Connects two Rigidbody2D together at their anchor points using a configurable spring. |
FrictionJoint2D | Applies both force and torque to reduce both the linear and angular velocities to zero. |
HingeJoint2D | Joint that allows a Rigidbody2D object to rotate around a point in space or a point on another object. |
Joint2D | Parent class for joints to connect Rigidbody2D objects. |
Physics2D | Global settings and helpers for 2D physics. |
PhysicsMaterial2D | Asset type that defines the surface properties of a Collider2D. |
PhysicsUpdateBehaviour2D | A base type for 2D physics components that required a callback during FixedUpdate. |
PlatformEffector2D | Applies "platform" behaviour such as one-way collisions etc. |
PointEffector2D | Applies forces to attract/repulse against a point. |
PolygonCollider2D | Collider for 2D physics representing an arbitrary polygon defined by its vertices. |
RelativeJoint2D | Keeps two Rigidbody2D at their relative orientations. |
Rigidbody2D | Rigidbody physics component for 2D sprites. |
SliderJoint2D | Joint that restricts the motion of a Rigidbody2D object to a single line. |
SpringJoint2D | Joint that attempts to keep two Rigidbody2D objects a set distance apart by applying a force between them. |
SurfaceEffector2D | Applies tangent forces along the surfaces of colliders. |
TargetJoint2D | The joint attempts to move a Rigidbody2D to a specific target position. |
WheelJoint2D | The wheel joint allows the simulation of wheels by providing a constraining suspension motion with an optional motor. |
ColliderDistance2D | Represents the separation or overlap of two Collider2D. |
ContactFilter2D | A set of parameters for filtering contact results. |
ContactPoint2D | Details about a specific point of contact involved in a 2D physics collision. |
JointAngleLimits2D | Angular limits on the rotation of a Rigidbody2D object around a HingeJoint2D. |
JointMotor2D | Parameters for the optional motor force applied to a Joint2D. |
JointSuspension2D | Joint suspension is used to define how suspension works on a WheelJoint2D. |
JointTranslationLimits2D | Motion limits of a Rigidbody2D object along a SliderJoint2D. |
PhysicsJobOptions2D | A set of options that control how physics operates when using the job system to multithread the physics simulation. |
RaycastHit2D | Information returned about an object detected by a raycast in 2D physics. |
CapsuleDirection2D | The direction that the capsule sides can extend. |
CollisionDetectionMode2D | Controls how collisions are detected when a Rigidbody2D moves. |
EffectorForceMode2D | The mode used to apply Effector2D forces. |
EffectorSelection2D | Selects the source and/or target to be used by an Effector2D. |
ForceMode2D | Option for how to apply a force using Rigidbody2D.AddForce. |
JointLimitState2D | Represents the state of a joint limit. |
RigidbodyConstraints2D | Use these flags to constrain motion of the Rigidbody2D. |
RigidbodyInterpolation2D | Interpolation mode for Rigidbody2D objects. |
RigidbodySleepMode2D | Settings for a Rigidbody2D's initial sleep state. |
RigidbodyType2D | The physical behaviour type of the Rigidbody2D. |
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