Legacy Documentation: Version 2018.2 (Go to current version)
  • C#
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


class in UnityEngine.Experimental.XR


Inherits from:Experimental.Subsystem


Implemented in:UnityEngine.XRModule

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Provides methods and properties that allow for querying, creating, and removing of reference points. These reference points are cues to the XRSessionSubsystem that indicate areas of interest in the environment which helps assure that tracking of these points remains accurate.


LastUpdatedFrameThe frame during which the reference points were last updated.

Public Methods

GetAllReferencePointsRetrieves all ReferencePoints added by calls to XRReferencePointSubsystem.TryAddReferencePoint.
TryAddReferencePointAttempt to add a ReferencePoint that gets tracked by the device.
TryGetReferencePointAttempt to retrieve a ReferencePoint.
TryRemoveReferencePointAttempt to remove a ReferencePoint getting tracked by the device.


ReferencePointUpdatedRaised each frame for each ReferencePoint that had the values of its position, rotation, or both changed enough by the device correcting its understanding of where the point should be located in Unity space.

Inherited Members

Public Methods

DestroyDestroys this instance of a subsystem.
StartStarts an instance of a subsystem.
StopStops an instance of a subsystem.

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