InputTracking | A collection of methods and properties for interacting with the XR tracking system. |
Subsystem | An Subsystem is initialized from an SubsystemDescriptor for a given Subsystem (Example, Input, Environment, Display, etc.) and provides an interface to interact with that given Subsystem until it is Destroyed. After an Subsystem is created it can be Started or Stopped to turn on and off functionality (and preserve performance). The base type for Subsystem only exposes this functionality; this class is designed to be a base class for derived classes that expose more functionality specific to a given Subsystem. Note: initializing a second Subsystem from the same SubsystemDescriptor will return a reference to the existing Subsystem as only one Subsystem is currently allowed for a single Subsystem provider.
SubsystemDescriptor<T0> | Information about a subsystem that can be queried before creating a subsystem instance. |
SubsystemManager | Gives access to subsystems which provide additional functionality through plugins. |
XRCameraSubsystem | Provides access to a device's camera. |
XRCameraSubsystemDescriptor | Class providing information about XRCameraSubsystem registration. |
XRDepthSubsystem | Provides access to depth data of the physical environment, such as a point cloud. |
XRDepthSubsystemDescriptor | Class providing information about XRDepthSubsystem registration. |
XRInputSubsystem | XRInputSubsystem
Instance is used to enable and disable the inputs coming from a specific plugin. |
XRInputSubsystemDescriptor | Information about an Input subsystem. |
XRPlaneSubsystem | Provides methods, events, and properties that provides information about planes detected in the environment. |
XRPlaneSubsystemDescriptor | Class providing information about XRPlaneSubsystem registration. |
XRRaycastSubsystem | Provides methods and properties that allow for querying portions of the physical environment that are near a provided specified ray. These trackables include planes and depth data. |
XRRaycastSubsystemDescriptor | Class providing information about XRRaycastSubsystem registration. |
XRReferencePointSubsystem | Provides methods and properties that allow for querying, creating, and removing of reference points. These reference points are cues to the XRSessionSubsystem that indicate areas of interest in the environment which helps assure that tracking of these points remains accurate. |
XRReferencePointSubsystemDescriptor | Class providing information about XRReferencePointSubsystem registration. |
XRSessionSubsystem | A collection of methods and properties used to interact with and configure an XR session. |
XRSessionSubsystemDescriptor | Class providing information about XRSessionSubsystem registration. |