Version: 2018.3 (switch to 2019.1)
  • C#
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


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public Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus Raycast(out AI.NavMeshHit hit, Experimental.AI.NavMeshLocation start, Vector3 targetPosition, int areaMask, NativeArray<float> costs);


hitHolds the properties of the raycast resulting location.
startThe start location of the ray on the NavMesh. start.polygon must be of the type NavMeshPolyTypes.Ground.
targetPositionThe desired end of the ray, in world coordinates.
areaMaskBitmask that correlates index positions with area types. The index goes from 0 to 31. In each relevant index position, you have to set the value to either 1 or 0. 1 indicates area types that the ray can pass through. 0 indicates area types that block the ray. This parameter is optional. If you leave out this parameter, it defaults to NavMesh.AllAreas. To learn more, see: Areas and Costs.
costsArray of custom cost values for all of the 32 possible area types. They act as multipliers to the distance reported by the ray when crossing various areas. This parameter is optional. If you omit it, it defaults to the area costs that you configured in the Project settings. To learn more, see NavMesh.GetAreaCost.


PathQueryStatus Success if the ray can be correctly traced using the provided arguments.
Failure if the start location is not valid in the query's NavMeshWorld, or if it is inside an area not permitted by the areaMask argument, or when it is on a NavMeshLink/OffMeshLink.


Trace a line between two points on the NavMesh.

This method is similar to NavMesh.Raycast, both of them sharing the same underlying implementation.
The properties that make this one different are:
- it can be used in parallel jobs;
- it returns status flags indicating whether the operation succeeded or failed;
- the reported hit.distance is affected by the area costs;
- the resulting hit.position is not adjusted on the vertical axis according to the Height Mesh, if that exists;
- it has the variant described below that returns also the list of polygons through which the ray passes.

The returned hit.distance represents the straight line between the start and termination point. It also takes into account the list of the provided area costs. It is the result of summing up all the distances covered by the ray over each separate area, multiplied by the cost of that respective area.

First, the start location is verified to be valid in the NavMeshWorld, and the target point is mapped on the NavMesh. Then, a ray is traced from the start point towards the target. If the computation is successful, the hit data is filled with information about the furthest point that the ray has reached. This happens regardless of whether the path from the source to target has been obstructed.
If the computation fails, the returned hit is filled with invalid data. Most notably, the hit.distance field gets the value positiveInfinity.

If the raycast terminates on an outer edge, hit.mask is 0; otherwise it contains the area mask of the blocking polygon.

You can use this function to check if an agent can walk unobstructed between two points on the NavMesh. For example, if your character has an evasive dodge move that needs space, you can shoot a ray from the character's location to multiple directions. This finds a spot where the character can dodge to.

The NavMeshQuery.Raycast is different from the Physics raycast. The NavMeshQuery.Raycast can detect all kinds of navigation obstructions, for example holes in the ground. It can also climb up slopes, if the area is navigable.

// TargetReachable
using Unity.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AI;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.AI;

public class TargetReachable : MonoBehaviour { public Transform target; NavMeshQuery m_NavQuery; NavMeshHit m_Hit;

void OnEnable() { m_NavQuery = new NavMeshQuery(NavMeshWorld.GetDefaultWorld(), Allocator.Persistent); }

void Update() { var startLocation = m_NavQuery.MapLocation(transform.position,, 0); var status = m_NavQuery.Raycast(out m_Hit, startLocation, target.position, NavMesh.AllAreas, new NativeArray<float>()); if ((status & PathQueryStatus.Success) != 0) { Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, target.position, m_Hit.hit ? :;

if (m_Hit.hit) Debug.DrawRay(m_Hit.position, Vector3.up,; } }

void OnDisable() { m_NavQuery.Dispose(); } }

public Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus Raycast(out AI.NavMeshHit hit, NativeSlice<PolygonId> path, out int pathCount, Experimental.AI.NavMeshLocation start, Vector3 targetPosition, int areaMask, NativeArray<float> costs);


hitHolds the properties of the raycast resulting location.
pathA buffer that will be filled with the sequence of polygons through which the ray passes.
pathCountThe reported number of polygons through which the ray has passed, all stored in the path buffer. It will not be greater than path.Length.
startThe start location of the ray on the NavMesh. start.polygon must be of the type NavMeshPolyTypes.Ground.
targetPositionThe desired end of the ray, in world coordinates.
areaMaskA bitfield that specifies which NavMesh areas can be traversed when the ray is traced. This parameter is optional. If you do not fill out this parameter, it defaults to NavMesh.AllAreas.
costsCost multipliers that affect the distance reported by the ray over different area types. This parameter is optional. If you omit it, it defaults to the area costs that you configured in the Project settings.


PathQueryStatus Success if the ray can be correctly traced using the provided arguments.
Failure if the start location is not valid in the query's NavMeshWorld, or if it is inside an area not permitted by the areaMask argument, or when it is on a NavMeshLink/OffMeshLink.
BufferTooSmall is part of the returned flags when the provided path buffer is not large enough to hold all the polygons that the ray passed through.


Trace a line between two points on the NavMesh, and return the list of polygons through which it passed.

Even if the path buffer is too small it will still hold as many polygons as it has room for, starting from the ray's origin location.

See Also: PolygonId.

// StraightPathFromRay
using Unity.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AI;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.AI;

public class StraightPathFromRay : MonoBehaviour { public Transform target; NavMeshQuery m_NavQuery; NavMeshHit m_Hit; NativeArray<PolygonId> m_Path; int m_PathCount;

void OnEnable() { m_Path = new NativeArray<PolygonId>(3, Allocator.Persistent); m_NavQuery = new NavMeshQuery(NavMeshWorld.GetDefaultWorld(), Allocator.Persistent); }

void Update() { var startLocation = m_NavQuery.MapLocation(transform.position,, 0); PathQueryStatus status = m_NavQuery.Raycast(out m_Hit, m_Path, out m_PathCount, startLocation, target.position, NavMesh.AllAreas, new NativeArray<float>()); if ((status & PathQueryStatus.Success) != 0) { var bufferTooSmall = (status & PathQueryStatus.BufferTooSmall) != 0; Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, m_Hit.position, bufferTooSmall ? :;

if (m_Hit.hit) Debug.DrawRay(m_Hit.position, Vector3.up,; } }

void OnDisable() { m_NavQuery.Dispose(); m_Path.Dispose(); } }

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