Version: 2018.4
  • C#
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


struct in UnityEngine.Experimental.XR


Implemented in:UnityEngine.XRModule

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Structure describing a bounded plane representing a real-world surface.

Unlike a Plane, which is infinite, a BoundedPlane has a size and a more detailed shape. A BoundedPlane can change from frame to frame (see XRPlaneSubsystem.PlaneUpdated). Typically, this means the current understanding of the plane has changed, rather than the real-world geometry. This can happen as the device explores the physical space and is able to perceive more detail.


AlignmentThe alignment of the plane, e.g., horizontal or vertical.
CenterCenter point of the plane in device space.
HeightCurrent height of the plane.
IdA session-unique identifier for the plane.
NormalNormal vector of the plane in device space.
PlaneReturns the infinite Plane associated with this BoundedPlane.
PosePose of the plane in device space.
SizeCurrent size of the plane.
SubsumedByIdA session-unique identifier for the BoundedPlane that subsumed this plane.
WidthCurrent width of the plane.

Public Methods

GetCornersOutputs four points, in device space, representing the four corners of the plane. The corners are in clockwise order.
TryGetBoundaryTry to retrieve a list of positions in device space describing current plane boundary.