proj | The implicit this parameter for the extension method. |
mainTargetGuid | The GUID of the main target to link the watch extension to. |
watchExtensionTargetGuid | The GUID of watch extension as returned by [[AddWatchExtension()]]. |
name | The name of the watch app. It must the same as the name of the watch extension. |
bundleId | The bundle ID of the watch app. |
infoPlistPath | Path to the watch app Info.plist document. |
string The GUID of the new target.
Creates a watch application.
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Callbacks; using UnityEditor.iOS.Xcode; using UnityEditor.iOS.Xcode.Extensions; using UnityEngine;
public class SetupWatchExtension { [PostProcessBuild] private static void PostProcessBuild_iOS(BuildTarget target, string buildPath) { PBXProject proj = new PBXProject(); string projPath = PBXProject.GetPBXProjectPath(buildPath); proj.ReadFromFile(projPath); string targetGuid = proj.GetUnityFrameworkTargetGuid(); string watchExtensionTargetGuid = PBXProjectExtensions.AddWatchExtension(proj, targetGuid, "watchtest Extension", "com.unity3d.watchtest.watchkitapp.watchkitextension", "watchtest Extension/Info.plist"); string watchAppTargetGuid = PBXProjectExtensions.AddWatchApp(proj, targetGuid, watchExtensionTargetGuid, "watchtest", "com.unity3d.watchtest.watchkitapp", "watchtest/Info.plist");
FileUtil.CopyFileOrDirectory("Assets/Plugins/iOSWatchAppFiles/watchtest", Path.Combine(buildPath, "watchtest")); FileUtil.CopyFileOrDirectory("Assets/Plugins/iOSWatchAppFiles/watchtest Extension", Path.Combine(buildPath, "watchtest Extension"));
var filesToBuild = new List<string> { "watchtest/Interface.storyboard", "watchtest/Assets.xcassets", };
foreach (var path in filesToBuild) { var fileGuid = proj.AddFile(path, path); proj.AddFileToBuild(watchAppTargetGuid, fileGuid); }
filesToBuild = new List<string> { "watchtest Extension/Assets.xcassets",
"watchtest Extension/ExtensionDelegate.h", "watchtest Extension/ExtensionDelegate.m", "watchtest Extension/InterfaceController.h", "watchtest Extension/InterfaceController.m", "watchtest Extension/NotificationController.h", "watchtest Extension/NotificationController.m", };
foreach (var path in filesToBuild) { var fileGuid = proj.AddFile(path, path); proj.AddFileToBuild(watchExtensionTargetGuid, fileGuid); }
var filesToAdd = new List<string> { "watchtest/Info.plist", "watchtest Extension/PushNotificationPayload.apns", "watchtest Extension/Info.plist", };
foreach (var path in filesToAdd) proj.AddFile(path, path);
proj.WriteToFile(projPath); } }
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