Version: 2021.3
Language : English
Customize UXML tag names and attributes
Encapsulate UXML documents with logic

Best practices for managing elements

This page describes the best practices for managing elements in the visual treeAn object graph, made of lightweight nodes, that holds all the elements in a window or panel. It defines every UI you build with the UI Toolkit.
See in Glossary

Pool recurring elements

Elements pooling is to keep hold of elements that you might recreate later on, rather than creating elements with new() every time and letting go of them.

It’s important to be fully in control of all elements that you pool and make sure you reset them properly before you return them to the pool. Otherwise, the pooling system can become unstable and troublesome. For example, it’s impossible to clean up an element if you pool elements while registering event callbacks or setting an internal non-serialized state at the same time.

Keep the number of visible elements low

To keep the number of visual elementsA node of a visual tree that instantiates or derives from the C# VisualElement class. You can style the look, define the behaviour, and display it on screen as part of the UI. More info
See in Glossary
low, use ListView when possible. ListView pools elements and recycles elements as the user scrolls.

Alternatively, you can implement your own pool and recycle mechanism similar to the ListView, and use the following to manage the visible area:

Different approaches to hiding an element

When you use VisualElement.RemoveFromHierarchy() to remove an element from the hierarchy and eliminate references to it, the element is garbage collected. This reduces the CPU and GPU cost to zero and frees a significant amount of memory. However, it’s a slow and costly operation to recreate elements and reload them in a hierarchy. To avoid this, you can pre-create the elements in a hierarchy, use USS style properties to hide them, and only display them when necessary. While applying styles is generally faster, it can lead to increased memory usage if you create a large number of elements simultaneously.

The following describes the different approaches to hiding elements and the consequences on processors and memory usage.

Hide with USS style visibility: hidden;

With this approach, the descendants can override the visibility style.

Single-frame cost

The following table describes the different aspects of single-frame cost when you hide or display a visual element with the visibility style:

Aspect visibility: hidden; visibility: visible;
Styles Evaluated for the element and descendants to propagate the visibility. Evaluated for it and the descendants, to propagate the visibility.
Layout data Preserved None
Rendering commands Removed and deallocated Recreated and reinserted into the chain of commands.
Meshes Scheduled for deallocation. Re-tessellated

Per-frame behavior

The following table describes the per-frame behavior for CPU and GPU when you hide a visual element with the visibility style:

Processor Aspect Per-frame behavior
CPU Styles Fully evaluated to the element and its descendants.
Layout data Updated
Tessellation Minimal impact that only involves stencil masking meshesOverflow hidden with either rounded corners or vector image background.
See in Glossary
, if applicable.
Rendering commands No commands to draw regular visible geometry. However, stencil masking meshes are still rendered to push or pop from the stencil, ensuring potential visible descendants are masked.
GPU Meshes Vertex and fragment shading on stencil masking meshes.

Hide with USS style opacity: 0;

With this approach, the GPU usage can be high if the content is in the ViewportThe user’s visible area of an app on their screen.
See in Glossary
, as the fragment shaderA program that runs on the GPU. More info
See in Glossary
processes all elements, potentially leading to significant overdraw.

Single-frame cost

The following table describes the single-frame cost when you hide or display a visual element with the opacity style:

Action Single-frame cost
opacity: 0; The first time when you set the opacity to a value other than 1, the UI(User Interface) Allows a user to interact with your application. Unity currently supports three UI systems. More info
See in Glossary
Toolkit renderer modifies the vertices to accelerate the application of the opacity on GPU. This triggers a one-time, minimal CPU cost. While typically negligible, this cost might become noticeable if the element has a large number of descendants or if there are many vertices to modify. This cost is not incurred again unless the element is removed from the visual tree and re-added.
opacity: 1; None

Per-frame behavior

The following table describes the per-frame behavior for CPU and GPU when you hide a visual element with the opacity style:

Processor Aspect Per-frame behavior
CPU Styles Fully evaluated to the element and its descendants.
Tessellation Operates normally and responds to changes.
Rendering commands Executed
GPU Meshes The vertex shaderA program that runs on each vertex of a 3D model when the model is being rendered. More info
See in Glossary
operates as though the visibility is set to 1. Similarly, the fragment shader also functions as if the visibility is 1. This can be detrimental in GPU-bound projects as it can lead to overdraw.

Hide with USS style display: none;

With this approach, the element behaves like it is removed from the layout tree, which might potentially affect the layout of other elements.

Single-frame cost

The following table describes the different aspects of single-frame cost when you hide or display a visual element with the display style:

Aspect display: none; display: flex;
Layout data Might recompute the layout of other elements. Pending layout changes are processed.
Rendering commands/Meshes Regenerated for elements affected by the layout change.
  • Regenerated for elements affected by the layout change.
  • Pending changes are processed.

Per-frame behavior

The following table describes the per-frame behavior of the CPU when you hide a visual element with the display style. Note that there’s no GPU cost.

Aspect Per-frame behavior
Layout data Preserved but can become invalidated and not being updated.
Rendering commands Although retained, they can be skipped during execution. The way they are skipped is very cheap but not entirely free. The cost is proportional to the number of commands.
Meshes Retained but can become invalidated and not being updated.

Translate outside of the Viewport

You can use translate: -5000px -5000px; combined with DynamicTransform usage hints to move the elements out of the Viewport. The geometry remains fully active, resulting in minimal CPU usage when you bring back the element on the screen. However, the GPU continues to process the vertices, which might be acceptable depending on the scenario.

Single-frame cost

The transform is computed and uploaded into GPU memory, which is generally fast.

Per-frame behavior

The following table describes the per-frame behavior for CPU and GPU when you hide a visual element by translating it outside of the Viewport:

Processor Aspect Per-frame behavior
CPU Styles Updated
Layout date Updated
Draw calls Executed
GPU Meshes Vertices are shaded.

Remove from the hierarchy

When you use the VisualElement.RemoveFromHierarchy() method to remove the element from the hierarchy, you free up CPU and GPU memories, thereby eliminating any computing costs.

Single-frame cost

The following table describes the single-frame cost when you hide or display a visual element by removing it from the hierarchy:

Aspect Remove Add
Styles None Updated for the subtree.
Layout None Recomputed for the subtree and possibly other elements.
Rendering commands/meshes Regenerated for elements affected by the layout change.
  • Regenerated for elements affected by the layout change.
  • Pending changes are processed.

Memory usage after being hidden

The following table summarizes the memory usage after the element is hidden with different approaches:

Processor Aspect visibility:hidden; opacity:0; display:None; Translated out of Viewport Removed from the hierarchy
CPU Styles Retained Retained Retained Retained Freed
Layout Retained Retained Retained Retained Retained[1]
Rendering commands/meshes Freed Retained Retained Retained Freed
GPU Meshes Freed Retained Retained Retained Freed

  1. The layout memory is retained because it remains reserved for the element. When the VisualElement is garbage collected, the layout memory is returned to the pool, making it available for use by other elements.  ↩

Customize UXML tag names and attributes
Encapsulate UXML documents with logic